Example sentences of "if i say [indef pn] " in BNC.

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1 I asked her , " Would you mind if I have a boyfriend ? " and she said " It depends " and I said " What if I said somebody wanted to take me to the pictures ? " and it was , " If a boy wants to take you to the pictures , he 's only alter one thing .
2 But if I said nothing , turned tail and ran from Gyggle , what hope was there for an ordinary life for Ian Wharton ?
3 ‘ Coopers would be very surprised if I said anything else . ’
4 C. If I said anything serious , you would n't take it serious .
5 Dana continually hinted that she would take off for London if I refused to do just what she wanted , or if I said anything to you .
6 ‘ Miguel , I apologise if I said anything unflattering about you .
7 I was warned if I said anything there would broken windows : I would be assaulted and my children too . ’
8 I mean , if I said anything to you .
9 But what I 'd like you to do is to go with me during the next couple of hours , have an open mind and erm if I say something which is in an in any way provocative , question me if you want to , cos that 's what we 're here for , to communicate .
10 Firstly , an emotion may be expressed involuntarily or voluntarily ; if I say something in a ‘ happy ’ way , this may be because I feel happy , or because I want to convey to you the impression that I am happy .
11 Secondly , an attitude that is expressed could be an attitude towards the listener ( e.g. if I say something in a ‘ friendly ’ way ) , towards what is being said ( e.g. if I say something in a ‘ sceptical ’ or ‘ dubious ’ way ? or towards some external event or situation ( e.g. ‘ regretful ’ or ‘ disapproving ’ ) .
12 Secondly , an attitude that is expressed could be an attitude towards the listener ( e.g. if I say something in a ‘ friendly ’ way ) , towards what is being said ( e.g. if I say something in a ‘ sceptical ’ or ‘ dubious ’ way ? or towards some external event or situation ( e.g. ‘ regretful ’ or ‘ disapproving ’ ) .
13 Is it alright if I say something to her ?
14 I notice if I say something rude something happens and I think oh
15 But what if I say nothing ?
16 — And she wo n't believe it if I say owt bad about him .
17 He gets annoyed if I say anything about it , but that does n't stop him going on about how slim I was at 17 when we first met .
18 because if I say anything I 'm just keeping quiet here .
19 Ranson followed his manager 's lead afterwards , saying : ‘ I 'll get sin died if I say anything . ’
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