Example sentences of "if it be so " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless an object , resting on the ground by its own weight alone , can be a fixture , if it be so heavy that there is no need to tie it into a foundation , and if it were put in place to improve the realty …
2 If it is so , then I get what I deserve …
3 If it is so difficult to value a small piece of the environment like Twyford Down , how will it ever be possible to cost the ozone layer ?
4 These costs of consent to political authority suggest that , on instrumental grounds , consent can only be held binding if it is so qualified that its effect is almost entirely confined to reinforcing independently existing obligations to obey .
5 If it is so important to you , Miss Kenton , I will allow that the Chinaman behind me may well be incorrectly situated .
6 A Bill will go to the latter two types of committee only if it is so moved by a Member immediately after second reading and so decided by the House .
7 If it is so for choices of means it is so for choices of ends ; and it is one of the greatest temptations to irrationality that nothing compels us to acknowledge in the realm of ends what we can not afford to deny in the realm of means .
8 On 4 June , the day the Dunkirk evacuation ended , he wrote to the Chiefs of Staff : ‘ if it is so easy for the Germans to invade us … why should it be … impossible for us to do anything of the same kind to him ? ’
9 This is not the place to explore arguments which characterize the scientific mode of thought as in some sense masculine ( though this may have a vital role to play in our understanding of the science of our culture if it is so : see Kelly et al . ,
10 A genuine case for abolition , if it is so based , needs to establish both that the alleged abuses are as stated and that they are endemic to the practice ; thus unavoidable .
11 How can opposition to reform be contained in other countries if it is so strong in more successful Poland ?
12 The second meaning may be termed the ‘ substantive sense ’ of unreasonableness : a decision may be attacked if it is so unreasonable that no reasonable public body could have made it .
13 And then , if it is so , we must be divorced .
14 If it is so necessary for us to opt one way or the other , is it perhaps that here too Christianity has caused a split in human nature of which the people of harmony knew nothing ? "
15 The British Government can not order people to label inhumanely produced veal , but consumers can demand it , supermarkets can provide the labelling and the restaurant trade can do the same if it is so minded .
16 If legislation is needed to get the treaty through Parliament , if it is so popular with the country , and if it will be such a wonderful thing for unemployed people , for women , for the regions and for business , why does not the Prime Minister dissolve Parliament next week and have a general election in January ?
17 It could make that the central point of its election manifesto if it is so profoundly excited by it .
18 If it 's so great , let's see you drink it , ’ he said .
19 If it 's so valuable , what you want to give it away for ? ’
20 Tell us about it if it 's so important . ’
21 Perhaps if it 's so successful if it can successfully this evening perhaps we will do it more often .
22 Mr Kettering going off without the dog and his wife bringing it round to you — it all seems a bit odd if it 's so devoted to him . ’
23 If it 's so obvious to you , dear , ’ he said , trowelling on his own measure of irony , ‘ I 'll leave you to deal with it , shall I ? ’
24 If it 's so easy for Rain Morgan of the Daily Post to get at the truth , it 's a secret which ca n't be kept . ’
25 With an effort Lisa forced herself to swallow back the feeling and kept her voice devoid of emotion as she countered , ‘ If it 's so appealing then why do you feel the need to suppress it ? ’
26 If it 's so trivial , then there 's no need for you to know the answer . ’
27 If it 's so isolated then where do we stay ? ’
28 In the South of Ireland , people go to sleep if it 's so much as mentioned , and in Belfast even the playwrights are growing out of it .
29 She found herself bending over the old woman and hissing at her , ‘ If it 's so natural , Great-gran , why did a woman approach me today , the mother of one of the little girls at school , and suggest that my daughter was fantasising about her father being in the bath with her .
30 Alright , if it 's so easy why do n't we all do it what stops us
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