Example sentences of "if [to-vb] that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Oh , ’ Nellie said , glancing quickly at Carrie as if to signal that her father was being secretive about his work again .
2 as if to confirm that they had rejected the old emphasis on local political organizations , the new studies gave themselves a new title .
3 Graham started to smile , though he thought the joke itself might be in rather poor taste , but then he was aware of Sara turning quickly , putting her glass on the mantelpiece and looking straight at him , coming closer , her face set in strange hard lines , eyes bright , taking him by the elbow and turning her head as if to emphasise that she was talking to Graham , ignoring Slater , saying , " You do dance , do n't you ? "
4 It is not good enough to use language which blurs the sharp reality , as for example : ‘ the ultimate control of the Company is seen in law as residing with the owners or shareholder ’ as if to suggest that there is some other and valid way of seeing it , a way which may put the ultimate control , at least in part , elsewhere .
5 It moves slowly , wearily and as if to ensure that you understand that it is tired ; it goes only a few degrees above the horizon , making a long , low arc .
6 And he glanced down at Changez 's duff hand again as if to reconfirm that his brother had really sent over a cripple as a husband for his only daughter .
7 Bertha Cohen snorted as if to convey that she expected as little from grandchildren as from children .
8 ( At this point Robyn , with elbows tucked into her sides , would spread her hands outwards from the wrist , as if to imply that there is no need to say more .
9 She slaps her brand new skinhead again and again , as if to check that she really was wild enough to shave all those ratty locks off .
10 Disguising his real feelings he wrote cheerfully , telling them that it was better here than The Hague , as if to say that nothing could be worse than the hell of being unloved .
11 Dougal gave him a little nod , as if to say that he had remembered that too .
12 North of the village towards Matlock Bath is Masson Mill , built by Richard Arkwright ( q.v. ) in 1738 as if to prove that nothing succeeds like success .
13 It was as if to prove that it was n't England that had changed that Losey went on to make Accident ( 1967 ) , a powerful triangle drama involving two very different Oxford academics and their exotic pupil , financed from English sources .
14 as if to prove that he is in earnest , God immediately afflicts the spies who had caused such panic among the people with the plague .
15 He recalled other ways in which she had led him on ; the snowy mittened fingers laid on his arm during their walks , the occasional side-glance as if to show that he did not displease her , her endurance , to say the least , of his company .
16 ‘ Certainly the play advocates a continuation of the war , as plays nowadays are required to do , ’ said Deems , folding his hands and placing them gently on the table before him , as if to show that he concealed nothing .
17 The wife obligingly lifted her arm and for the first time there was a flash of something pale , as if to show that there really was flesh and blood beneath the shapeless black garment .
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