Example sentences of "if [pers pn] were [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It might be helpful if I were to outline briefly the history of the STUCC and of the Government 's thinking on this matter .
2 If I were trying to keep things straight , I should have told Stuart about Oliver 's appearance at the door and what I did with his flowers .
3 … why am I writing all this out as if I were trying to assimilate myself to her ?
4 If I were to ask a school-teacher to choose for me a sample which she considered to be a fair cross-section of her pupils so that I could interview them for a survey , there would almost certainly be a personal bias in the sample given to me .
5 If I were to ask you if you could come to dinner tonight and you replied ‘ Yes ’ or ‘ No ’ , my wife and I could plan accordingly .
6 If I were to ask you for your address , what would you do ?
7 I have reason to believe that if I were to ask you the time you would n't be able to accommodate me .
8 If I were to ask him , the answer would be — ’
9 And if I were to put it , If you have an opportunity of two sites and the development of one is capable of causing damage to existing characteristics and the other is not , would you go for the the one which would not cause damage rather than the one which would , or would you willy-nilly plump for either ?
10 If I were to put it in er stewed apples or something I would n't eat the actual ginger but in a casserole , it 's nice .
11 My mother does n't cook very much food , and if I were to cook my own she would see that as greed and put a stop to it .
12 Some of you er may take it amiss if I were to describe you as veterans but my by contrast , this is my first annual public meeting and not just as chairman .
13 Far , far away I could hear the slow , grinding sounds of traffic — but muffled , as if I were wearing earplugs .
14 If I were wearing a next-to-nothing nightie and he was sitting on my bed , I 'd be having serious trouble breathing too !
15 Now if I were wearing suspenders and silk — ’
16 If I were to die , she thought , there is nobody to find me , perhaps for days and weeks , for we do not have visitors , and my mother would die too , of fright or starvation or a broken limb , after her voice gave out in screaming , and she tried to struggle from the bed .
17 Well I have n't given it much thought but er if I were to die I would n't want my wife and family to suffer .
18 Well I feel that er protecting my income if I were to die would be the most important thing at the moment and er possibly er making some provision for my retirement .
19 If I were diagnosed as having an incurable disease I would go home and be looked after by my dad , who 's a doctor .
20 However I run my boat as a charter boat and cater for a masochistic fringe who would sail on Christmas day if I were to let them .
21 ‘ How would you like it if I were to let you know where you could stop the Wete Mo Nan Dlo , the biggest ceremony this year ?
22 Again , I realized I needed evidence myself if I were to risk cals about their success .
23 If the content of a putatively infallible belief is merely that things are looking that way to me now , there is clearly less room for error than if I were to risk the belief that that way is pink .
24 That is , I , I take it would still be me even if I were seated , I would still be me even if I were n't holding a book , possibly I 'd still be me even if I were n't American .
25 Erm and , and very enjoyable days they were , but erm I think if I were to plan a big party , or an anniversary or something like that , and I 'd hope those would be jolly enjoyable days too .
26 If I were given my head , which I never am or will be ( for I am impotent .
27 For instance , what it is for there to be a red rose in this darkened room is for it to be the case that if I were to turn the light on , I would make a certain observation , and if I were then to move to another place , I would make an observation rather different , and if you were to come in , you would observe such and such , and so on .
28 If I were to turn to a man on a bench
29 I could see that if I were to give way to retroscendence the average supermarket gondola , stuck with myriad products like a hedgehog with spines , would become a mystic test-bed able through its thousand portals to suck me into individual sagas so complex , so durable , that I would perhaps never reemerge .
30 " A likely thing it would be if I were to give a drink of milk to every beggar who passed through ! " exclaimed the second brother .
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