Example sentences of "if [pers pn] have to make " in BNC.

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1 I suppose if I had to make the choice , I would sacrifice skiing for the sake of the hills .
2 If I had to make a comparison , I can only really compare an Aeronca to some of the latest two-seat side-by-side kitplanes like the Avid Flyer .
3 So I 'd better , even if I had to make an and you know .
4 If I have to make some new decisions about myself and how I 'm going to live my life from now on . ’
5 In her bedroom now , sipping her whisky , she acknowledged for the first time in her life that if she had to make a list of the happy times , it would properly have to include the hours she had spent with Graham in his garden .
6 This could be serious if you had to make a side-slip to get down into field on an early flight .
7 If you , if you had to make the tea as many times in the day as us women did which they all did
8 If you have to make a close-run decision then ask yourself which factor is the most important one and which candidate made the best showing on that particular subject .
9 If you have to make a selection decision , for example , what information do you require and how do you research it ?
10 If you have to make a supply decision , how do you get at the necessary data ?
11 Elizabeth Adams : ‘ I think perhaps I did not require from Somerville as much as I might here , fromJean Stanier : ‘ Somehow the fact that it was wartime put a sharper edge on things , as if we had to make the most of something that might not last ’ .
12 If we have to make a major change , you will be offered compensation or a credit towards the cost of an alternative Summer 1990 holiday you choose from this brochure ( where available ) as follows .
13 If we have to make any of the above mentioned changes , we will inform you or your Travel Agent as soon as is reasonably possible before departure and you then have the choice of :
14 But if we have to make an explicit assumption that living creatures , or men , do actually exist in order to make an inferential paraphrase work , then a reductivist analysis fails to achieve its purpose and we are back exactly where we began .
15 If we have to make a comparison between the individual approaches , I think that channel two felt we had to be punished for our sins while Channel 4 took the more sanguine view that for so long as love and sex exist , television might as well look on , an electronic voyeuristic intermediary .
16 If they want to take the opportunity to erm move to Newcastle , to be near their relatives , they 'll have that choice as well , and it 's if we have to make difficult choices of this kind , then it 's more — I 'm sorry to keep using the word logical , but it is — it 's logical to choose this one than to choose one of the remoter homes in the county that serves a local populace where there is no alternative .
17 This would show how well the catapult worked and if they had to make any adjustments in their aim .
18 The ESC , however , threatened to stay away from the Civic in future if they had to make up the lost revenue .
19 When I first saw it , when I was looking at it , I was amazed at these huge great hooks and eyes , and I thought ‘ gosh , they ca n't have been very good at making hooks and eyes if they had to make them so big ’ .
20 If they have to make a lot of noise , spend a lot of time or risk being seen while breaking into your home , they may not even bother .
21 Similarly , the families of the mentally ill need help in sudden emergencies when they can not cope with a very disturbed relative , general help in understanding and accepting the nature of the disorder and support if they have to make difficult decisions such as agreeing to the compulsory admission of a severely disturbed relative to hospital .
22 The ego knows that if it has to make choices in the world of actuality it can not keep its cake and eat it too ; the id does not .
23 He needed some excitement , even if he had to make it himself !
24 Dustin refused , not only because he had not seen the very different Warner , which the director had , but he justifiably felt he had to find his own direction , even if he had to make a number of detours on the way .
25 If he had to make that list of horrible moments , Masklin would have put this one at the top .
26 Thinking about the dilemma captured in simalakama legend , Mr Suharto has clearly decided that , if he has to make a choice between wooing the Muslims and placating the West over the Gulf , the Muslims will have his full attention .
27 It will be a real kick in the teeth for Schofield if he has to make way for Hanley again as Britain 's captain — no matter what the set-up is at Leeds .
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