Example sentences of "if [pers pn] [vb -s] been " in BNC.

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1 It seemed as if she 's been awaiting this opportunity for years .
2 He 'd know if she 's been substituted . ’
3 Sometimes I enjoy it , it depends what mood I 'm in , and if she 's been playing up .
4 I try to work out if she 's got a period due or if she 's been having trouble with her mother .
5 The Arguments continue along much the same agile lines with singer Juliette bounding around as if she 's been plugged into the national grid .
6 Just a , I find that she almost looks as if she 's been out in the sun and that it sort of looks like very strong sunlight on her face which is a shame really .
7 So , I think possibly a little more thought in the actual , I think the actual shape of the girl there , the way she 's actually sitting is fine , but er it , it looks as if she 's been propped up with , you know , you better put this stool under your foot to hold that up and put this crutch under your arm to hold that up and
8 The Arguments continue along much the same agile lines with singer Juliette bounding around as if she 's been plugged into the national grid .
9 Well , with the scheduling obviously it 's checked every day , but erm , things like till results , I check every week to make sure it 's been , if she 's been , but she 's really good so , so I just have to check up .
10 She has to ask if she 's been to ?
11 If she 's been under stress .
12 Nobody 's gon na tell if she 's been here since five .
13 Did , do you know , do you know if she 's been with someone ?
14 Alternatively , if she has been employed by you for a continuous period of at least five calendar years into the qualifying week for 8 hours or more each week , then she is also eligible .
15 The experts say that for a woman over about 40 , SERPS is definitely going to be better , and if she has been paying into a contracted out PP scheme up to that time , she should change over then .
16 This involves stimulating a female cat that is on heat with a glass rod , so that her body is fooled into reacting as if she has been mated by a tom-cat .
17 ‘ I would remind you both , ’ said the abbot gently , ‘ that if she has been all this while consulting her own wishes , and imposing them upon us mortals , Saint Winifred is again on her own altar in our church .
18 And even if she has been put out by human errors and offences , I am sure she will not hold that against a brother-house in distress . ’
19 However , Lagan and Cooper DH ( both Alliance ) were the source of 1,700 non-transferable votes which could conceivably have affected the issue either way if they has been transferable .
20 If it 's been agreed that the treasurer spends £300 on publicity with £100 each for posters , leaflets and newspaper advertisements , he should be allowed the latitude to spend £150 on newspaper ads and £150 on leaflets if the publicity chairman thinks it necessary , and perhaps nothing on posters .
21 And not expecting everything to look as if it 's been lifted straight from the page of a glossy foodie magazine . ’
22 Inside , it looks as if it 's been used for tank practice .
23 ‘ It looks as if it 's been made out of a tree and it feels lovely .
24 If it 's been located I 'll have to get back to London .
25 If it 's been lost at sea , then why should n't the Iranians believe it ? ’
26 And anything that has been done — if it 's been done — has certainly been done accidentally and not intentionally .
27 I like to put it on the table and hear the comments afterwards , and I 'm pleased to bits if it 's been all right …
28 ‘ You ask me if it 's been tough .
29 Women who have become pregnant and do n't want to have a child — if it 's been a mistake — have been able to have abortions .
30 If it 's been , if the baby 's sort of squashed
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