Example sentences of "if [pron] had [art] " in BNC.

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1 Those radicals ( among whom Gaitskell was , oddly , not numbered ) who wanted to abolish the public schools , or amalgamate them somehow into the maintained system , persuaded themselves for a time that if this were done , and if everyone had a chance to take the 11 + and compete for a place at a grammar school , then justice would have been done and educational standards would be secure .
2 In if everyone had a meter ,
3 If everyone had no confidence , no one kindly , passionate-feeling human person would ever be approached by any other kindly , passionate-feeling human person .
4 If we further take account of intergenerational differences , then the coefficient of variation over all generations , denoted by , is the weighted sum of individual plus the coefficient of variation obtained if everyone had the mean income of their generation ( the ‘ between-generations ’ inequality ) .
5 If everyone had the same preferences as individual i , the same pre-tax income Y i , and the same perception of the tax required , then there would be no disagreement over the level of public spending .
6 Now , if everyone had an average-sized lawn which they cut weekly for eight months using half a litre of petrol at each session , they would still burn less than 4 gallons a year .
7 He asked if I had a caftan he could borrow .
8 ‘ I 'm a Muslim fundamentalist , but if I had a knife and I saw Rushdie I would n't kill him , I 'd talk to him .
9 ‘ It was as if I had a vast chip on my shoulder .
10 They often asked me if I had a baby in my tummy because they saw no evidence of my menstruation …
11 If I had a broken window I would n't put my fingers through it — no way .
12 ‘ I could n't live in this mess if I had a woman , ’ he said .
13 If I had a wedding ring I would give it back .
14 If I had a choice I would just wear a dhoti like they do in India .
15 If I had a magnifying glass screwed intae ma heid I might , ’ his friend replied scornfully .
16 Can you imagine what would happen if I had a rest .
17 In any case , I 'd do it even if I had a job .
18 ‘ My dear , dear fellow , if I had a lira for every time I 've heard that story … well … ’
19 If I had a storehouse full of confidence , I would gladly give each one of them as much as they needed .
20 A squire once angrily said to him : ‘ If I had a son who was an idiot by Jove I 'd make him a parson ’ .
21 If I had a daughter getting married this summer I would be tempted to give her a twopart party in similar vein .
22 What would my attitude be if I had a difficult or long journey to work ?
23 I thought I could offer a lift if I had a woman with me , someone they know . ’
24 if I had a camera
25 If I had a record company there are a lot of people I would be sure to sign — Albert King does n't have a label now , for instance — and he 'd be on it right away . ’
26 Not 10 minutes had gone by before I was asked , in a very accusing tone of voice , if I had a ticket , and on producing it was informed that I should cease and desist .
27 I 'd swap my vest and plasters for a Marks and Spencer circle-stitched bra , a rigid , pointed contraption that made me look as if I had a couple of ice-cream cones up my jumper : I could never fill them to the end ( not even on a good day ) and the last waltz would result in dents in the ends .
28 I think I could survive on my own in New York if I had a credit card and I found a nice hotel like Kevin .
29 McGrath said : ‘ If I had a New Year 's wish , it would be for us and Manchester United to battle it out in a two-horse race for the Championship — and for us to win it for a lot of reasons . ’
30 ‘ I sometimes have a queer feeling with regard to you — especially when you are near me , as now : it is as if I had a string somewhere under my left ribs , tightly and inextricably knotted to a similar string situated in the corresponding quarter of your little frame .
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