Example sentences of "if [pron] [vb past] her " in BNC.

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1 I did like Esmerelda ( even if I thought her name was a bit soppy ) and played with her a lot when she came to stay .
2 Maybe if I got her outfit I 'd get her husky voice to match ?
3 But if she restrained her imagination and waited until he showed his hand , surely the misunderstanding could be cleared up and they could part as friends ? she thought forlornly .
4 But on the picket line Bob Busby had pointed out to her that the Shadow Scheme was official University business and that she would be strike-breaking if she kept her appointment .
5 If she kept her beak wet , she could go on forever .
6 If she kept her eyes open the car very often failed to start .
7 Rourke could not hurt her if she kept her distance .
8 Ms Streisand , in the same paper , claimed that the press would be happier if she spent her free time shopping , and pointed out , quite fairly , that she and the others at the correspondents ' dinner had been invited there .
9 If she took her problem to Rachel , Rachel would listen and she would be on Maggie 's side .
10 If she took her poor child back to his father and gave her husband a second chance , she would n't need money . ’
11 But , as if she knew her life depended on it , Bunny had attached herself to her .
12 She should have done so ages ago ; and if she knew her friend as well as she thought she did , then she would be intrigued and delighted by the whole affair .
13 She would tell her twin about Berenice 's baby , and if she knew her sister , she would make Garry see he must return to his wife .
14 The relief was immense and she wondered if she plunged her brain into the water it would help too .
15 But she did n't let him see , keeping her face as unresponsive as if she wore her mask still .
16 This was exactly what she had been afraid of — flibbertigibbet though she was in most things , Candy could be positively terrier-like if she got her teeth into a mystery , refusing to let go until she 'd solved everything to her satisfaction .
17 In spite of this , the tree would not stand up , yet when asked if she thought her tree was balanced she said , ‘ Yes ’ .
18 If she thought her troubles would be over when and if I caught up with the blackmailer , she was way off .
19 If she made her estate more than a hundred and fifty thousand pounds there 'd be some tax payable , so it 's a question of how much you 've got and both estates have got that exemption of a hundred and fifty thousand pounds .
20 A large colourful greetings card , propped in one corner , skewed slightly , so that , if she craned her neck slightly , she could read the message written inside .
21 Walking to the door , Sabine wondered detachedly what the reaction would be if she voiced her unspoken thought aloud , but decided not to risk it .
22 Yet if she voiced her objections it would only serve to alert him to how uneasy she felt .
23 as if she felt her sister 's gaze , Susan swung round on the piano-stool and asked her to sing come carols .
24 If she told her father , then as soon as he was away there would be a worse incident .
25 She had been ‘ petrified ’ she would lose her boyfriend if she told him and feared if she told her employers , she would lose the job she loved .
26 She put it off because Christmas was coming up , and then Tony her boyfriend wanted to take her to Paris and she knew if she revealed her pregnancy she would n't be allowed to go , so she said nothing .
27 The questions she had feared earlier seemed to be taking physical shape in the shadowy corners of the room , phantoms waiting to trap her if she dropped her guard for so much as a second .
28 With luck , she should — if she followed her usual pattern — remain in bed until around noon .
29 And always she was haunted by the knowledge that if she failed her mother would lose her home .
30 If she released her grasp , she would have nothing left .
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