Example sentences of "if [pron] [vb past] the " in BNC.

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1 If no-one saw the caravan being towed along any of the main roads in the area , then Allen believes the gang may have stored it somewhere in the vicinity .
2 If everyone played the same chess game , it would be stalemate .
3 If we further take account of intergenerational differences , then the coefficient of variation over all generations , denoted by , is the weighted sum of individual plus the coefficient of variation obtained if everyone had the mean income of their generation ( the ‘ between-generations ’ inequality ) .
4 If everyone had the same preferences as individual i , the same pre-tax income Y i , and the same perception of the tax required , then there would be no disagreement over the level of public spending .
5 To see clearly that the selection of the parameter γ 2 affects the distribution of output around its natural level , we follow Barro 's procedure and first derive what real output in a typical market would be if there were full current information ; that is , if everyone knew the current value of all the shocks affecting the economy .
6 If everyone spoke the truth we might avoid future dangers . ’
7 Just think how much of a better place school would be if EVERYONE loved the Jesus way !
8 I do not criticise , I merely observe ; and I 'm not sure what I would think if everyone lined the rail to admire the play of light on the water and started discussing Boudin .
9 Payment would be based on a pooled system : if everyone wanted the same coverage costs would be shared .
10 It would be a great way to repay them if I made the England side and contributed to its success . ’
11 I did not think He would mind this , especially if I made the whole thing into a sort of combined barby stroke burnt sacrifice .
12 I knew that if I made the slightest false step he would leap at me .
13 Of course he 'd sue me for slander if I made the accusation publicly .
14 On the other hand I was afraid that if I made the driver sound too important he might end up under the wheel of a bus instead of behind one .
15 He noticed that he was being drawn into making the decision by the ‘ we ’ ; and so he said , ‘ Well , speakin' for meself , it would sicken me if I thought the young 'un got into his hands . ’
16 They 've given me an elbow crutch , and I can make the journey perfectly well now , if I thought the blasted train would stay on the lines , but there 's not much I could do once I got to Moila , is there , if I ca n't walk ?
17 ‘ But that would look rude — as if I thought the house was n't warm enough , which it really is with all that paraffin burning away . ’
18 ‘ Would it make you feel any better if I took the cardigan down to her , ’ said Yanto .
19 ‘ And if I took the classes then you would take me onto your books ? ’
20 If I took the food away from her too often , though , there was a danger she would lose interest , so I had to give in to her a few times .
21 I thought it might help if I took the flowers off him , so I reached out and lifted them carefully , holding the stem ends away from me .
22 If I took the children there it would be a real breach .
23 But he said he 'd pay me a fiver if I took the fish out for a bit of fresh air in the hope that it might drop off to sleep .
24 ‘ We are a bit thin on the ground up front but if I stuck the cleaner and laundry lady out there I know they would give me 110 per cent . ’
25 ‘ And he said if I told the police — or anyone else — there would be a bomb thrown into our playground .
26 He said he would get my family if I told the police .
27 If I felt the conference was a political one I would be the first one to pull out . ’
28 If I heard the hon. Gentleman correctly , he suggested that redundancy pay for displaced miners was excessively generous .
29 I wondered what would happen if I ignored the call or pretended it was n't me , but I had a strong feeling that they knew it was me .
30 The ‘ Let ’ rule has stood since 1880 without too much fuss and I think I might get annoyed if I saw the fifth set in a Wimbledon final decided by a serve which simply hit the net and ‘ died ’ on the receiver 's side .
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