Example sentences of "their [noun pl] when they " in BNC.

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1 I know enough about geophysics to say that these people are lying through their teeth when they claim they can eventually guarantee long-term safety underground . ’
2 ‘ It is great for players and their clubs when they are picked for their country .
3 Before the Second World War the pattern was somewhat different since women were , typically , sacked by their employers when they married .
4 CIVIL servants are to hand a 3500-signature petition to their employers when they stage an anti-privatisation protest at the Scottish Office tomorrow .
5 They were philhellenes , fined young people who were too fat , and did not abandon their houses when they were invaded by water ( Strabo 4.4.6 , 7.2.1 ) .
6 We may speculate that GPs may become less willing to maintain the very elderly on their lists when they have to provide care within a specified cash-limited budget .
7 Ironically , women will often cross their legs when they 're trying to look relaxed or elegant or assured .
8 Tenants need help decorating their homes when they can no longer do it themselves , and owner occupiers on low incomes need both financial and practical help to adapt , repair and improve their homes to suit their needs , or just to make them habitable .
9 The Government are providing substantial help to those who risk losing their homes when they lose their jobs .
10 Barriers had to be put around their pictures when they exhibited at the Royal Academy to protect them from the crowds of ardent devotees ; reproductions of their works were sold in their tens of thousands .
11 But of course , had Alexander 's argument and Lewis 's interpretation of it been irrefutable , had it been the kind of thing which compelled religious certainty , then all the philosophers in Oxford would have fallen to their knees when they had finished reading it .
12 These days many people know that they should bend their knees when they bend down to pick up an object , but this is only half the story .
13 Disbelieving parents shook their heads when they arrived at Overdale County Primary School in Northwood , Kirkby .
14 Disbelieving parents shook their heads when they arrived at Overdale County Primary School in Northwood , Kirkby .
15 Most new users find the Windows software , which has friendly picture-book instructions rather than arcane codes , already loaded on their computers when they buy them .
16 People could hardly believe their eyes when they opened their newspapers yesterday morning : alongside the ritual party propaganda there was genuine criticism and complaints .
17 They wash them , help them perform the intimate functions of relieving bladder and bowels , change dressings on wounds , give medicine , help them take their first steps after an operation , make beds , waken them up , tell them to go to sleep , close their eyes when they die .
18 ‘ But I watch their eyes when they speak , and I see what they intend .
19 Everyone had gone except this boorish man and his sleazy dirty place , and the poor old decrepit cleaner , who did n't seem particularly dismayed at the sight that greeted their eyes when they went into the room where the reception had been held .
20 People living on the estate could n't believe their eyes when they saw their new neighbour .
21 BEMUSED rail commuters could hardly believe their eyes when they stepped off trains at a rainswept Merseyside station yesterday .
22 ‘ You can see it in their eyes when they 're talking to you .
23 MALCOLM and Judy Carvell could n't believe their eyes when they visited their old village after five years in Australia .
24 And , and you think to yourself oh we 've seen everything , but I used to get pleasure in taking somebody to the potteries because I knew they had n't seen it and it would be like ooh , when they got there , you could see the shock , the surprise in their eyes when they went in there
25 Many lizards , such as the green lizard ( above ) and the blue-tailed skink ( below ) , are capable of breaking off their tails when they are molested .
26 Seals can close their earholes when they are underwater , and the earholes of whales have shrunk to a minute size .
27 The next logical step was to present the bream with a small hook and bait which would be more likely to be right inside their lips when they began to carry it off , but to still retain the heaviness so that they could not manage it with a mere suck .
28 Nobody in court can see them , but everyone hears their voices when they come to testify .
29 I 'll tell you now no pupil of mine drags their feet when they walk . ’
30 ‘ of atrocious memory , who courted and married fourteen wives , and destroyed them all by tickling the soles of their feet when they was sleeping in the consciousness of innocence and virtue ’ .
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