Example sentences of "their [noun pl] [prep] long " in BNC.

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1 Headless Periplaneta and Schistocerca can be trained to flex their legs for long periods in order to avoid an electric shock .
2 We pray for those who are confined to their homes for long periods .
3 They discovered sweatshops and people working in their homes for long hours trying to erm patch together a very very poor living .
4 This was particularly true for those small communities , small towns , or groups of peasants , who had won their privileges after long struggles against a higher authority .
5 The majority of the indigenous cattle of Scandinavia are naturally polled : it seems that the northern stockmen , who because of the demands of climate needed to house their animals for long periods , appreciated long ago that horns could be awkward at close quarters and it is clear that polled stock were deliberately bred in Scandinavia from early times .
6 A regiment may swap their bows for long bows at an additional cost of +1 point per model .
7 This means the High Elves must rely on their bowmen and their magicians for long range mass slaughter .
8 Together with inevitable involvement with patients and their families over long periods , this encourages a change of emphasis from diagnosis/treatment/cure to assessment/assistance/care .
9 That is a talent that followed him to the Foreign Office and to the Department of Health , where he helped Ken Clarke take on hospital doctors attacking their tales of long hours as ‘ fishermen 's stories ’ .
10 ‘ A large percentage have spent years hiding their arms under long sleeves and are highly embarrassed by the results of a mistake made years ago .
11 Most prisoners are confined to their cells for long periods of time .
12 So now when our crews came back from their missions and we heard snatches of their conversations about long lines of refugees , about cities being devastated , and miles and miles of fires , I remembered Kings Cross and could only feel pity for what these civilians were now enduring ; French , Dutch , German or whatever .
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