Example sentences of "their [noun sg] at their " in BNC.

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1 The chant is certain to be sustained until the International Board announce their decision at their annual meeting in Auckland next April .
2 Poor Italian immigrants , who believed in anarchist ideas , they both protested their innocence at their trial .
3 But Customs and Excise reckon that not all those sailing back with van-loads of beer are planning to consume their booty at their own parties .
4 The scenario was that there was this normal , everyday family being filmed in their home at their most private moments and , in one scene , where a young boy is being pressurised into getting married , they all leave the room and he turns to the camera and says something like ‘ I 've got to be careful here .
5 ICTU has agreed to include the first point in their Agenda at their Biennial Conference .
6 We also asked the patients their age at their first sexual intercourse and their lifetime number of sexual partners .
7 But two weeks ago the Liberal Democrats reversed their policy at their spring conference in Nottingham , making clear that abortion was a matter for the individual conscience .
8 But two weeks ago the Liberal Democrats quietly reversed their policy at their Spring conference in Nottingham , making clear that abortion was a matter for the conscience of individuals .
9 The Poles stood with their capital at their backs while the Russians prepared for the assault that would end the war .
10 Mirror Sport 's phone lines were jammed with angry fans venting their rage at their hero 's enforced retirement .
11 I commend you , by the way , for insisting on arriving early , for as the set time approaches they will tighten their surveillance at their ports of entry .
12 The choir , funded by Hampshire County Council , proved their potential at their first concert in December and have now several other events planned including concerts in Southampton Guildhall and Winchester Cathedral .
13 Many within the industry admit privately , however , that they may be less inclined to appoint someone who declares their infection at their interview .
14 Judging from the ensembles in which their names appear , the instruments they are listed as playing in other ballet livrets , and the inventories of instruments that some of the royal wind players had in their possession at their deaths , they must all have been versatile performers on several instruments .
15 They eat their prey at their roosts , littering the cave floor with the broken up remains of their meals .
16 Though they spend most of their time at their desks managing field work and consulting senior officials in headquarters , they are in frequent contact with their staff .
17 The bodies of Roy and Sue Prescott were found by their son at their Oxfordshire home last night .
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