Example sentences of "their [noun sg] was [art] " in BNC.

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1 They did so impeccably and I believe their judgement was a judgement reached in accordance with the rules laid down by Parliament ’ Transport Secretary Malcolm Rifkind on the handling of the port sale to Teesside Holdings .
2 The price the French exacted for their support was the deployment of the Castilian fleet against England .
3 Their skin was a mouldy grey , while gravity had gathered their uncirculating blood at the lowest points — under the chin , the undersides of the limbs , and around the area of the lower ribs , buttocks and kidneys .
4 And , I talked to other publishers erm , including a very large one which will be nameless and they have a pretty good spread and their experience was the same as ours .
5 As an initial hypothesis , this seems reasonable : given the amounts of money involved in the experiment , and the fact that their payment was the total over the eight periods of the experiment , this would seem to be a reasonable approximation .
6 Their starter was a 3-goal victory .
7 An important part of their creed was the existence of classical measuring instruments .
8 Their favourite was the great Barbarian Conspiracy of AD 367 , and had the Great Casterton villa been dug in the nineteenth century , this would certainly have been considered a victim whereas , of course , the pottery is certainly not earlier than AD 375 , and maybe much later .
9 Boxing was also the sport in which blacks first grew to prominence in Britain , though , of course , their presence was the result of the predilection of the wealthy to engage their interests in the noble art and therefore encourage the cross-fertilization between Britain and America .
10 Paul was staring at it , thinking how different from other dogs pugs were ; even their bark was a kind of bellow .
11 The liberal democrats and labour say their budget was the only way to prevent drastic cuts .
12 The Aerosols were almost impossible to stop , and the soldiers and their weapons and equipment were getting burned and melted all over the place until one brave soldier who had clung on to one of the Aerosols as it flew back to its base came back ( after many adventures ) with the news that their base was a breadboard moored under an overhang on an inland creek .
13 So , although it is tragic that every therapist is now hearing more and more from their patients about the way they were abused in the past , the fact that it is being brought out into the open and talked about publicly does bring some relief to those who until recently thought that their case was an isolated one .
14 The factor which clinched their decision was the discovery of a house which they could only afford to buy if all three pooled their resources .
15 For the first Christians to claim this as the heart of their faith was a scandal of the first order .
16 In Tynan v. Balmerls ( 1966 ) forty pickets in a continuous circle around a factory ( which had the effect of sealing off the highway ) were held not to be legalized by the Act of 1906 because their action was a nuisance at common law and an unreasonable use of the highway .
17 He explored her shamelessly , and his squeezing and probings froze something inside her , so that their effect was the exact opposite of what he intended .
18 Their wedding was no exception .
19 Their recommendation was a Shell weedkiller called " Commando " , and , accordingly , the plaintiff purchased some to the value of £6,438 .
20 Like Jack Pertwee and Charlie Hatton , they were lifelong friends , but their friendship was a casual business and their manner to each other dry , irreverent , often caustic .
21 But they provided a vital social service and their closure was a disastrous token of things to come .
22 Initially this new German ‘ victory ’ weapon proved unnerving but before long it became possible for the ‘ V1s ’ to be intercepted by fighter aircraft over the sea , although their speed was a problem , but by moving the bulk of the anti-aircraft artillery units to the Isle of Wight and along the southern coastline of England , it was possible to shoot them down before they reached the London area .
23 A MASKED man who tried to attack a courting couple in their car was a serial rapist , police believe .
24 Standing next to their car was a red Lancia .
25 Their nerve was a match for his ; they had most of them served him several years , for his men did not leave him .
26 Almost three-quarters of city residents felt that their neighbourhood was a good or excellent place to live , whilst around two-thirds felt strongly attached to their neighbourhood ( Ahlbrandt and Cunningham , 1980 ) .
27 I talked to the lady for some time and we seemed to like the same things , so I was pleased when their bid was the successful one .
28 At the same time as they were re-establishing themselves in Vietnam the French were finally being evicted , as they saw it , from Syria and the Lebanon and while these were League of Nations mandates rather than parts of the French Empire proper , their loss was no less bitterly resented .
29 Their football was a credit to Hand , and Cecere ensured that it would at least be rewarded by an extra 30 minutes when he collected Maskell 's pass and tucked the ball behind Steve Sutton .
30 ‘ Some of their football was a delight to behold .
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