Example sentences of "their [noun] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Cosmetic companies are building on their foundations for black skin this spring :
2 Its directors have expressed their enthusiasm for European integration and have established a network of contacts and agreements with other countries , setting up new types of collaboration and programmes for joint and travelling exhibitions .
3 ‘ Boy labour ’ in all spheres was a transient period of employment , and even in the more essential areas of work boys would lose their jobs — whether as ‘ nippers ’ or ‘ handy lads ’ in factories , or as van boys and messenger boys — when they reached early maturity and lost their enthusiasm for boyish wages .
4 Cliff Paul and Barry Sheppard began taking in paying guests as an extension of their enthusiasm for entertaining friends .
5 Well , not too radical actually , since trades unionists are not noted for their enthusiasm for rapid change .
6 Despite differences in method and in the number of the patients studied , their values for phospholipid composition ( % ) in patients with duodenal ulcer are very similar to ours .
7 In general , then , newspapers do usually align themselves with certain political parties and do show their support for political party programmes and policies in a variety of ways , some stronger than others .
8 At the Birmingham summit EC leaders confirmed their support for early ratification of the Treaty without renegotiation , and sought to introduce greater transparency into the working of the EC in order to win the support of citizens , especially in Denmark and the UK where there was greatest opposition to ratification .
9 Their involvement with parts of the Stop The Clause campaign , their support for AIDS-related benefits , their meetings with the Metropolitan Police , their re-vitalization of the financially flagging London Lesbian and Gay Centre , all testify to some commitment to the community .
10 He also held out the possibility of including right-wing parties in his coalition , in return for their support for Labour policy .
11 A Foreign Office statement of June 6 said that any " improved relations " had to be preceded by " convincing evidence that the Libyans have renounced their support for international terrorism , including the IRA [ Irish Republican Army ] " and Libyan co-operation in bringing Fletcher 's murderers to justice .
12 At a national conference on Oct. 3 , FIS representatives reiterated their commitment to the establishment of an Islamic state and their support for imprisoned leaders Abassi Madani and Ali Belhadj [ For July meeting of FIS consultative council see p. 38364 ] .
13 Worse still , they openly proclaimed their support for violent and seditious movements designed to overturn the political , social and diplomatic bases on which world order rested .
14 Up to 500,000 people marched through Washington DC on April 3 to demonstrate their support for continued access to legal abortion .
15 Although there was no mention of specific measures to stabilize currencies , ministers " reaffirmed their support for economic policy co-ordination at this critical time " and agreed " to monitor developments in exchange markets " .
16 Councillors also expressed their support for proposed improvements to the tennis club facilities .
17 However , in 1898 , when America went to war with Catholic Spain over Cuba , international arbitration was forgotten and English Nonconformists were united in their support for Protestant America .
18 Soviet spokesmen warned the non-aligned states against succumbing to Western attempts to secure their support for American Rapid Deployment Forces .
19 However , white , British women were clear that their support for anti-imperialist struggles had to be unconditional ’ .
20 Reiterating their support for Greek autonomy , they declared that , if the Turks did not accept international mediation within a month , they would enter into commercial relations with the Greeks and " determine the ulterior measures to which it may become necessary to resort " .
21 Is this a temporary over-reaction by Germany 's friends , sour because their support for German unity seems to have brought them little solidarity now ?
22 The Party 's most important trade unionist , Arthur Horner of the South Wales Miners ' Federation , was repeatedly criticized for " trade union legalism " , and their most important supporter , A. J. Cook , national Miners ' Federation Secretary , broke with them completely over their support for Red Unions " .
23 As a result , the polytechnics have had to turn to their authorities for additional financial help which , in many cases , has strengthened the latter 's hand in demanding more stringent control over the polytechnic 's expenditure .
24 For financial years ending on or after 30 September 1992 , companies that are not small or medium-sized must disclose the aggregate remuneration ( including expenses and benefits-in-kind ) in respect of work carried out by their auditors and their associates for non-audit services supplied to the company and to an associated undertaking ( ie a UK subsidiary ) of the company where the auditors ( or their associates ) are auditors of that undertaking ( SI 1991/2128 ) .
25 Disclose remuneration paid to auditors or their associates for non-audit services .
26 Disclose remuneration paid to auditors or their associates for non-audit services .
27 It is hoped to determine their preferences for various alternative supply instruments and incentives such as prices , quotas , nitrogen taxes and land withdrawals .
28 Whether individual civil servants have party preferences is not the crucial issue , as Tony Benn observes : ‘ The issue is not their personal political views nor their preferences for particular government .
29 Tiebout 's analysis was framed as a direct response to Samuelson 's ( 1954 ) conclusion that individuals would not reveal their preferences for public goods .
30 He accepts the view that professionals are primarily concerned with service to the community and believes they use their expertise for public benefit .
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