Example sentences of "their [noun] [conj] at " in BNC.

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1 At times when the generality stood in the presence of their superiors and at other times squatted on the ground or at most sat on stools or benches , thrones were potent symbols of authority .
2 A curfew imposed by the government is still in effect , although it seems directed more at confining soldiers and policemen to their barracks than at keeping civilians off the streets .
3 I tried to show pleasure at their decision and at the same time annoyance that our contract simply would n't permit it .
4 It is clear however that , although brought up by her mother in a family subscribing to the beliefs of the Jehovah 's Witnesses , Miss T. was neither baptised into their faith nor at any time a practising member .
5 ‘ Under the Conservatives more homeowners have lost their homes than at any time since the war .
6 More people are providing non-alcoholic drinks in their homes and at parties for the sake of those driving , and it is possible to invent a whole range of interesting and appetizing non-alcoholic drinks that are absolutely free from lethal side effects .
7 It was the most important day in both their lives although at this stage all they considered was writing songs for other performers .
8 He spent a great deal of time in similar situations , seeking gold or demons or distressed virgins and relieving them respectively of their owners , their lives and at least one cause of their distress .
9 They receive no extra remuneration whatsoever for their duties although at some times of course it can be quite dangerous .
10 When that day arrives , in the not-too-distant future , Beerling says listeners to the radio will find themselves ‘ better-served by their equipment than at any time since the wireless was first invented by Marconi in 1895 ’ .
11 The brightening of the loops starts either at their footpoints or at sites where several loops are in contact .
12 It is crucial that researchers aim to be more participative in the way they frame research questions and their methodologies and at the same time be more sympathetic to the subject(s) they are researching .
13 She accompanies Lucie and her child to Paris during the Reign of Terror , when Darnay has been imprisoned , and forcibly prevents Madame Defarge from discovering their escape but at the cost of her own hearing ( she is permanently deafened by the accidental firing off of Mme Defarge 's pistol during their struggle ) , TTC i 4 et seq .
14 By locating the opposition between defamiliarization and automatization within the work itself , the Formalists were able to maintain the specifically literary nature of their concerns while at the same time avoiding an intransigent art-for-art 's sake position .
15 ‘ We always try to persuade the girls to discuss their relationship with their parents if at all possible .
16 About three-quarters of pupils in the lowest third knew how many days there are in certain months , although a number of pupils when interviewed said they had not been taught by their parents or at school any way of remembering the number of days in the months .
17 ‘ It is bad enough losing their job but at least if they got the redundancy package that was available under Leyland-DAF , they would not be so badly off .
18 Summer Holiday Courses : This course is designed for younger students who want to improve their German and at the same time enjoy a good holiday .
19 According to India 's anti-defection laws , members who crossed the floor were liable to lose their seats unless at least one-third of their party went with them .
20 It did something about corruption , by bringing in a new civil-service law which makes officials more accountable for their actions while at the same time making them freer of party patronage .
21 Would n't this , I reasoned , eradicate at least some of their problems and at the same time reduce the level of criticism from us ?
22 Interests of the Directors and their families as at 31 May 1985 were as follows :
23 But in spite of everything perhaps it was just as well that none of the things they could see … none of the plump fish or chickens being toasted on skewers , none of the creamy breads , chapatis , nan , and parathas , none of the richly bubbling curries and glistening mounds of rice , which the skeletons ' scarlet rimmed eyes could see in their lenses and at which they glared for hour after hour that none of these things were available , for in their starved and debilitated condition it was very likely that a heavy curry would have killed them as dead as a cannon ball .
24 Finally will you challenge large firms like Dixons and Comet to train their staff or at least encourage their staff to suggest customers seek skilled advice for specific requirements ?
25 They can actually go and chase after a person outside the station if if that is their their wish and at the moment that is erm that will continue to be the case .
26 Bob needs money for things like cigarettes , stamps and batteries , and I take him cards to send to the children on their birthdays and at Christmas .
27 Indeed , some stakeholders may take action to prevent a rational analysis of their stance or at least any debate over it .
28 However , in second-half Wanderers raised their game and at the end of the day they just failed to get a point .
29 It is also their aim to fight and establish physical dominance over their rivals or at least to make them run away .
30 Unless they 're out carrying out their inspections but at least the administrator 's there , she will help all she possibly can in the absence of the fire safety officer .
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