Example sentences of "their [noun] [adv] on " in BNC.

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1 It is disappointing that so few teachers thought it worth attending to express their views either on the resolutions put forward or to raise other matters .
2 I grilled a man called George Evans , the managing director of their operations here on the Continent .
3 Among the many booksellers and publishers whom I spotted letting their hair down on the dance floor was independent publisher Christopher Hurst .
4 Such men owed their positions to the constant manipulation of the party machinery — and so confirmed the worst of Ostrogorski 's fears ; they sat on every local committee , raised money for the local party , decided the selection of candidates and kept their fingers firmly on the local pulse .
5 I watched the cars stopping to pay their money at the toll-house and wondered if any of the drivers were tempted to put their foot down on the accelerator and go Zoom-Crash ! down to the bottom of the gorge .
6 Members of the Company put their money down on a separate basis for a distinct and limited series of enterprises ; profits from the voyage would be divided in proportion to capital invested , but capital as well as dividends could be withdrawn when the enterprises were complete and all the goods brought back had been sold off .
7 Clough is also thinking of offering Sheffield Wednesday some of their money back on out-of-favour £800,000 striker Nigel Jemson .
8 ONE CAN but wish the publishers of all good luck in getting their money back on this book , for , much as all cricketers should not only strive to become good fielders but enjoy the process of improving their game , how many will lash out nigh on £15 for a manual to help them do so ?
9 and roll their syllables lovingly on the tongue .
10 The jury will resume considering their verdicts today on Alan Lord , 31 , Mark Azzopardi , 23 , John Murray , 24 — who are all still being sought after last week 's break-out — Andrew Nelson , 22 , Nathan Gaynor , 22 , Darren Jones , 20 , and Morton .
11 They 're for those upper-class twits who turn up halfway through seminars and who never bother to get their essays in on time .
12 It will offer direct marketing and mail programmes ; hold marketing conferences , seminars and special promotions ; provide free listings in catalogues seen by customers ; and put their products up on the HP LaserPro CD-ROM for software marketing which is delivered with every Hewlett-Packard workstation .
13 All too often , however , we see him angry , hurt , suspicious of friends as much as enemies , rarely grateful to those who stuck their necks out on his behalf , working obsessively at powerfully emotional works while seemingly ignoring the emotions generated by the domestic chaos around him .
14 But male opponents of women 's suffrage , who based their case primarily on sexual difference , showed very little inclination to change their views .
15 It shows that people who insist ‘ that 's not what it means ’ or ‘ you ca n't say that ’ rest their case not on the facts of language , but on the arrogance of power .
16 Workers spend almost all their income directly on consumption , so that their main weapons — withdrawing their labour or creating social disruption — immediately imply adverse consequences for their living standards and families ( Crouch , 1984a ) .
17 While in the 1930s the CEB men had been leaders in advocating larger-scale power generation , with the undertakings sometimes dragging their feet , by the time of nationalisation they pinned their faith more on the benefits of standardising on 30MW and 60MW sets as a means of both cutting costs and overcoming the capacity shortage ( see pp. 24–5 , above ) .
18 The actual stages whereby the financial provisions of the 1947 Act were decided were extremely tortuous ( Cullingworth , 1975 ) and the interplay of forces within the Government , between ministers and between officials had their effect too on the much more straightforward development plan provisions .
19 With Holderness being very flat land it was often swampy and wet , so people originally tended to build their homes somewhere on a hill .
20 The feelings of outrage are the same as when large numbers of children are taken from their homes simultaneously on unsubstantiated allegations of child abuse .
21 This review of child-care in Scotland began before the children in Orkney were taken from their homes early on a February morning .
22 If insects judged their speed solely on the basis of the speed of the air moving past , they would remain stationary when attempting to fly into the wind .
23 But they wrote and edited with their eyes also on the contemporary situation and on the future , with a determination that the people 's faith and worship should not be swamped by the religions of their Babylonian masters , and that once back in God 's Land , they should not commit the same dreadful mistakes again .
24 The forces of oppression in Glasgow had their eyes even on schoolchildren then .
25 Sometimes even junior Libyan officials dug their heels in on particular points of practical application of rules , and rejected all attempts by their colleagues and superiors to persuade , cajole , order , bully them into expediting business .
26 TWO CCG staff were put through their paces recently on a testing weekend with the 52nd Lowland Volunteers of the Territorial Army .
27 ( 5 ) ( b ) states : ‘ While the scrummage is taking place , players in each front row must have their weight firmly on at least one foot and be in a position for an effective forward shove .
28 BR hopes they 'll drop their kids off on the way to work .
29 ‘ I thought at first , what was the mother like since there 's so little of the Flowers in any of them , since they are so good and clean and wipe their noses always on their handkerchiefs and never on their sleeves7 But the veneer is rubbing off already . ’
30 There were pilots getting their aircraft away on two engines , with armourers hanging on underneath checking the bombs , incendiaries blazing and HE S exploding in all directions .
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