Example sentences of "can [vb infin] through [noun] " in BNC.

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1 An obligation of confidence can arise through contract , either express or implied .
2 Here the customer can browse through picture boards devoted to each artist , selecting a style and price to suit , much as one might choose an haute couture outfit .
3 The advantage of the device , called the ‘ Robot Drill ’ is that it can bore through rock at angles above 60o to vertical — which is the limit that existing so-called reach drilling can manage .
4 The metaphor used in ‘ the heavy page/of death , printed by gravestones in the cemetery ’ , works with the ‘ black statement ’ of a few lines previous suggesting that death is like a book which can survive through generations and is read , that is experienced , by all .
5 Starting with the rider , you should buy a BHS standard crash helmet , a black protector , ( the best on the market is a Tipperary body protector which you can buy through Hydrophane stockists which is expensive but very good ) , a hunting tie ( stock ) , string gloves ( leather gloves slip when wet ) , breeches with no leather and safe and comfortable boots are all essential .
6 We must remember that a God who can speak through donkeys and who maintains a vast army of angels does not require our services .
7 Given that expectations of inflation are zero , and hence the relevant Phillips curve is what is the maximum popularity the government can achieve through manipulation of monetary or aggregate demand policy ?
8 Three fullbacks Andre Joubert , who played so well at Murrayfield , Gerbrand Grobler and Hendrik Truter , are attacking players who can scythe through defences from set and broken play .
9 Of course , there is some very good help around for women trying to breastfeed — for health visitors , midwives , nurses and breastfeeding counsellors , who you can contact through organisations like the National Childbirth Trust and the La Leche League .
10 It does not need a massive administrative apparatus for this , but can work through negotiations between a few key individuals in the state and business sectors .
11 Stanley can see through Blanche 's lies and deception but what annoys him is the pretence that Blanche puts on pretending to be better than him and taunting him by calling him a ‘ Polak ’ .
12 It can see through clouds , which over the past week have stymied satellites using visible light , and even penetrate the soil .
13 Less rigid helmets may be provided for workers in enclosed spaces where injury can occur through contact with the structure .
14 This approach is useful when you and others can gain through postponement .
15 On Good Friday the people 's Veneration of the Cross has settings in which all can share through refrains or hymns .
16 This receives the pulses through a special ultrasonic microphone , and turns each pulse into an audible click or tone which we can hear through headphones .
17 Limitations on delegation , and on the extent to which an authority can proceed through policies or rules , provide the two main limbs of this type of constraint .
18 Meanwhile , not only are legal firms unable to maximise the amount of extra business they can sell through cross-fertilisation of other specialised services , they are losing it to other providers of information and advice .
19 He had attended courses in England and arranged visits by senior Metropolitan officers to the Hoover Building to form those one-on-one relationships that in a crisis can cut through miles of red tape .
20 So far we have discussed the basic power of the night , which can cut through conventions and release emotional energy and revelation .
21 I mentioned earlier that the Queen of the Night can cut through conventions .
22 We got told that that laser of oil can cut through concrete just like that .
23 IN THE two or three minutes before kick-off Graeme Souness will make his players believe they are 10 feet tall and can walk through fire .
24 The disease has infected animals in at least ten US zoos and can spread through rodents .
25 Since the virus can spread through blood , transfusions could account for the 25 per cent of AIDS victims who are not gay .
26 In his speech at the festival , however , Havel said : " The belief that one can navigate through history and rewrite one 's own biography with impunity is a traditional Central European delusion . "
27 They were more comfortable , it was a , it was a more enjoyable journey , and let's be honest if I can go through life without hassles and without problems my life will be more enjoyable , of course it and these difficulties , and these storms coming away , coming your way your life will be more enjoyable .
28 We can go through Sunday school and bible school , we can sit in church year after year , after year and take it all in and learn great reams of the bible by heart , and be able to explain this and that , that does not make us , a Christian !
29 ‘ In future , if he wants to know anything , ’ Donleavy said , ‘ he can go through channels . ’
30 Events like redundancy , divorce , bereavement , family and work problems , debts , separation , illness , may be stressful for most of us , but why is it that some people can go through crisis after crisis and never suffer the effects of stress ?
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