Example sentences of "can [vb infin] it [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Er , I can make it I can make it Monklands , or Strathclyde ?
2 If anyone can make it he can . ’
3 you can guarantee it she goes to shops about eleven o'clock , she do n't come back till one because she 's been talking on shops , that 's her routine you know ?
4 Piece of cake for you girl , if anyone can beat it you can , you 're a survivor , a fighter etc . ’ ,
5 We 're human and you , you 're influenced by presentation , so if you can type it it 's not compulsory , but it is , would be in your interest that it 's typed , if you can .
6 Put it round your neck and wear it always , and when you come home , you can give it me back on our wedding day . "
7 Erm , I , I 'd like to thank you all for your participation this morning by the way , and I will give you out erm these reply if you 'd like re erm a , an information pack from us , or if you wish to have a chat with me , then you can send in this , you can give it me back at lunchtime , and I can send it into the office , and they 'll send you a retirement pack with an income planner and what have you .
8 Bill can give , he can give it me to give her .
9 In the morning you can give it me .
10 So on Saturday I 'll ask her if she can get them Wednesday for me definitely cos then you can I can get the money off Dad Tuesday you can give it her Wednesday morning , and then I can pick them up Wednesday afternoon when I go over .
11 I can swear it I like okay
12 We can do it we can do it in
13 We have shown we can do it we just need the money .
14 And if we can do it we need to be
15 books here , yeah , I just , read them , I do n't know if I can do it I
16 but because I know you can do it I can say you another one to one conversation with you about it , but basically you 're no way near to guide the customer you 're in there to sell the customer
17 Because if I load in You can do it it because when I when we originally loaded this ,
18 You know you can do it you can do the fractions and once you 've turned it into twelfths you can do it .
19 Well they can keep it we do n't want it .
20 And God tells him , he says , you make a serpent of brass and put it on a pole in the middle of the camp so that everybody can see it they look to that serpent of brass , they will be healed .
21 Now , you can see that coin down there , if you look carefully , you can see it you ca n't get it , you know where it is , it has n't gone through a hole into the centre of the earth it has n't , sort of , disappeared into outer space , you know exactly where it is , the chances are you could pin point it within a few inches of where i , even if you ca n't see it you know where it is , but you ca n't get at it to you , it 's lost you know it 's geographic location , you know when it went there , you know everything about it , you only thing is you ca n't get at it !
22 I can see it You know so I 'll take him home but I promised him er Jaffa Cake when we get home
23 I do it if I really have to , but if I can avoid it I chicken out , and I had too much lately . ’
24 Yeah , but you can sell it me , see .
25 Oh , it says , Stanley well you can read it I 'm sure .
26 And you can have it it is is it a two hundred mile radius ?
27 You can have it I just wan na read it !
28 So perhaps I felt I must tell you all this , now , before I know you better , so that I can tell it you without too much confusion .
29 ‘ I 've got a bead on him , and as long as I can hold it I 'll have him when he moves .
30 it 's not pronounced in mine , but , some er they say that with where it 's gone away , you know , there 's all sorts of things that can prove it I mean the obvious thing is we came from somewhere did n't we ? , we did n't just drop here with a flash of light and er they 've studied plants and other animals and they evolved .
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