Example sentences of "can [be] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Sills can be hundreds of metres thick but 10 m-30 m is a more typical range .
2 Quantitative estimates thus relate only to particular experiments , but this region can be hundreds of diameters long .
3 Both sell financial instruments , and can be ignorant about the markets .
4 Instead their ill-paid labour means that the beans can be air-freighted at considerable cost to arrive at supermarkets with flavour and crispness intact .
5 This can be disadvantageous to the plaintiff if , for instance , the defendant 's report paints a gloomier picture than the plaintiff 's report .
6 Third , fundamentalist structures can be demonic in their influence and power .
7 Such arrangements can be frustrating for salespeople and buyers alike , because they deter free competition ; the buyer does not like to be told from where he or she must purchase , just the same as the salesperson does not relish the thought of having a large part of his or her potential market permanently excluded because of a reciprocal trading arrangement .
8 In the latter case , one 's evidence is likely to be discounted by both sides simultaneously , which can be frustrating to the researcher to find himself to be ‘ the pig in the middle ’ .
9 Sometimes water can be unavailable for two weeks — then life is not so easy . ’
10 The influence of an international market is not easy to be precise about , though the appearance of work in a Biennale or an art fair can be impressive in itself .
11 The clubs can be custom-fitted to the individual , which is another persuasive selling point , and I liked the way they sat at address and the fact that they were easy to align .
12 The British experience of a quasi-partnership with Chrysler , and Chrysler 's failure and eventual withdrawal from Brazil in 1979 provide testimony that both developed as well as developing countries can be disappointed by failing to judge the strength of the partner by international criteria ( Stopford and Turner , 1985 : p. 230 ) .
13 It is important to identify the settlor because if he or his spouse has retained a benefit or interest under the settlement or can benefit under the settlement he can be taxable upon the trust income .
14 Nor does it take account of the fact that it can be consistent with the status of agency for an intermediary to be empowered to retain the proceeds of sale above a specified price .
15 This can be helpful to the inexperienced selector if the pictures are a true representation of the book .
16 We need to admit that for many older churches it takes much longer to change and also that a more traditional style can be helpful to many in finding Christ personally and following him radically .
17 Clearly presented materials and a well-ordered environment can be helpful to them .
18 There are specialised optical aids which can be helpful to some visually handicapped pupils .
19 We will review your situation and explain if and how we can be helpful to you in achieving your particular goals .
20 The area microphone was retained chiefly to record all those cockpit noises such as fire alarm bells , mach warnings , landing gear and flap selector operation and the hundred and one other identifiable noises that can be helpful to investigators .
21 The use of visual aids can be helpful to your talk but they are an aid and should not substitute for what you intend to say .
22 This can be helpful to us but it may give rise to difficulties and require careful handling if the client 's writing skills leave something to be desired .
23 Formic acid can be helpful to pregnant women .
24 Though competition can be helpful for big publicly financed science projects , co-operation would bring even bigger benefits
25 Er , I think anti-depressants can be helpful for a certain length of time but not for over a prolonged period of time .
26 While it is acknowledged that to delve into one 's subconscious can be helpful in working out psychological problems , it can be damaging if done in isolation .
27 guidance ( your experience/advice can be helpful in preventing serious mistakes/dangers ) ;
28 Many readers are hindered by inaudibly ‘ pronouncing ’ each word rather than scanning a group of words to get the meaning of a sentence and rapid reading classes can be helpful in correcting this deficiency .
29 In injuries and accidents , the injury remedies can be of great value , and even when surgery is indicated they can be helpful in shortening the post-operative period and in speeding up the recovery process .
30 Homoeopathy can certainly help to improve the body 's function and the anthroposophical remedy iscador — prepared from mistletoe and similar to Viscum album in the homoeopathic materia medica — can be helpful in certain types of cancer .
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