Example sentences of "can [verb] [is] that " in BNC.

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1 The most generous excuse one can make is that Brooke was deliberately misled by his advisers .
2 The only answer I can think is that some enterprising editor believed that , with ET all the rage after Star Wars , the time was ripe for a study of how Earthlings behave when aliens land .
3 I was a New Man before New Men had capital letters , but I feel like an Old Man these days , and all I can think is that by the time this one is through university I 'll be nearly sixty .
4 An equally crucial ( though much less often discussed ) area in which errors can arise is that relating to the interview itself — to the content of the schedule and the measurement and/or classification of the resulting data .
5 One advantage of secondary sources is that they are often easy to understand ; but a problem which can arise is that they may have altered or distorted the original idea .
6 Or rather , the most that one can predict is that the 1990s will be a period of yet more bumps and twists , swerves and U-turns , and unexpected developments .
7 All we can know is that no matter how much or how little they may have endured physically , the emotional damage is probably still with them .
8 The only guarantee that I can give is that there will not be a Tory Government after the 1992 election .
9 All I can remember is that I did n't much like the food , but I ate obediently and probably out of fear of giving offence .
10 But the former Neath and Wales rugby union star , later dismissed for throwing a punch at Gary Tees , insisted last night : ‘ All I can remember is that it was in a tackle .
11 All I can remember is that it had nothing to do with his feet .
12 ‘ Hey , lost in music and lost for words , you yell and purr but all you can understand is that The Smiths are special and you 'll hug them to your heart …
13 The most we can claim is that his social situation and his physical deterioration induces in him a condition that approximates the classical clinical picture given of schizophrenia .
14 For example if you 've got between thirteen and twenty for an activist that 's a very strong preference , however for a reflector a very strong preference is eighteen to twenty , because by nature most of us tend , you know most of us tend to stand back and think so what we actually need , what we wh what we can see is that when we compare our scores against the general norms it 's a much more accurate picture of our learning style .
15 And what we can see is that Mr Williamson 's interpretation of strictly controlled means not normally be permitted .
16 Then the other argument as I can see is that they 've led me to believe , I don I know you said that it 's automatic twelve month ban , but we just accepted that because I was led to believe that my job was safe .
17 So I , I , I think that er one of the , the comforting things which er I c I can see is that she has grown in self confidence , not cockiness , self confidence .
18 In any other situation the worst thing that can occur is that nothing happens at all .
19 An example I can cite is that I asked her to research and write up ( unsupervised ) an application to the Carnegie-Mellon Foundation for the microfilming of our 100,000 items in the Archive Collection .
20 The best conclusion that one can draw is that the objectives model provides a useful tool for certain purposes , especially the basic levels of knowledge and skill acquisition , but that is should not be used exclusively nor without judgement .
21 The only conclusion I can draw is that the two-pack AC lacquer that was used on the first table was something that I will not use again on dark timber if I want to bring out the full colour of the wood .
22 I detest the painters : Antonio Lopez , who sincerely believes that ‘ all a painter can demand is that his work be exhibited with dignity ’ ; Luis Gordillo , who has condemned the blandishing to tourism of the previous presentation of ‘ Guernica ’ ; Eduardo Arroyo , who confuses the vulgarity of Madrid 's status as cultural capital with the praiseworthiness of a perverse act ; José María Sicilia who has mistaken ‘ Guernica ’ for a prostitute , maintaining that ‘ if one accepts a gift one must fulfil the conditions it implies ’ ; and lastly , Antoni Tàpies , father of so many aberrations , for whom the transferral of ‘ Guernica ’ is as if , ‘ finally , contemporary art had a father-figure ’ .
23 The only point of Mr Baker 's tests that I can divine is that they will serve to check up on the teachers .
24 All I can conclude is that the human race , at its best , is really very much pleasanter and kinder than this God it invents to hold its hand .
25 I can hear is that Thomas we can hear shouting ?
26 The worst that can happen is that its domain of applicability becomes circumscribed .
27 Very little mess occurs , about the worst that can happen is that the jet gets clogged causing the ink drops to get oversized or the reservoir is removed without being capped .
28 The best news that Mr. Lennon can have is that the Castle Court complex now employs some 2,500 people .
29 Thus it seems that the only understanding that the persons in the original position can reach is that everyone should have the greatest equal liberty consistent with a similar liberty for others .
30 The only information I can gather is that it is a custom guitar made in Japan , the serial number is B820170 , the body and neck are made from maple , and it has a black scratchplate and three single coil pickups .
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