Example sentences of "can [verb] [prep] [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 General statements like ‘ You are a good boy ’ , ‘ That 's really nice ’ , ‘ That 's right ’ can comment on what the child has just done .
2 This is not the point that the only checks we can make on what we are tempted to say are fallible checks .
3 Controversy in the medical profession still rages about the benefits of vitamins and dietary supplements and manufacturers are closely restricted in any claims they can make about what their various products can do .
4 That each stage of education and training can build on what has gone before requires that the manager at each stage should know what is happening elsewhere .
5 In this way we can build on what we believe we do well — providing excellent customer service and quality beer brands .
6 It 's relevant because at a time when I lived through the means test the one that , the real one , er then that would have been a very serious point because you could switch and turn and twist the means test in such a way that people would be continually at a disadvantage and the nearest I can think of what the effect of that was , living in a very working town , a very industrial working town and it was nothing like as bad as the one in London more recently , was the homelessness of cardboard boxes cities in London .
7 I mean , well if you have n't got gauze in your first aid box , but you could have something like a Mediwipe or you might be able to use , open up your bandage and you can use , you know , several pieces of this , just keep going down the bandage and then you know clean it and get rid of that bit , okay , another clean bit okay , so you can adapt with whatever you 've got in your first aid box , yes , and you wo n't necessarily have scissors to hand so you 'll have to do whatever you 've got and the little Mediwipes are very useful for that , but do n't use one Mediwipe for seventy five grazes , okay , one Mediwipe for one wipe and then discard , okay ?
8 Johnson , which began in the county court , situations can arise in which there is not only an important point of interpretation to be decided , but also binding decisions of the Court of Appeal to be considered .
9 A contracting party can stipulate for what consideration he chooses .
10 Having been responsible for recruiting patients to one of the landmark studies in this field , which Alberto Maran and colleagues reference , I can testify to what can happen in the heat of combat .
11 Last night there were a lot of people at the gig who were here the first time around and they can relate to what we 're doing .
12 And no-one can empathise with what these players are going through quite like Toks .
13 When the above questions concerning the Bromley case have been answered there is still the further crucial question as to how far the authority can deviate from what the court believes to be the correct proportionate balance between the respective interests .
14 Perhaps you should include one for each section every issue , so you can focus on what 's wrong with it .
15 The anniversaries , called ‘ birthdays ’ , of the martyrs were carefully remembered , and so came to create the earliest church calendars ( so that the historian can know on what day of what month a martyr died , but not necessarily in what year , that being of no liturgical significance ) .
16 The matter has a long history and is illustrative of how law can lag behind what is thought to be economically desirable .
17 Support the Report and let's see if we can succeed in what must be the greatest enterprise in the trade union Movement since the nineteen twenties .
18 I can hardly forebear , I 'm sorry for , if it 's er , a bad pun , but er , I can hardly forbear to say that it may be that I , that diocese can do with what one might describe as a dash of the Robin Hood 's , which I think Alan may er , bring to it .
19 ‘ Well , sir , I fear there is nothing you can do except what is done already , which is to keep Mrs Browning calm and quiet and endeavour to feed her nourishing food to give her back some strength . ’
20 Many of the limitations appear not as abrupt cut-off points , distinguishing what we can do from what we ca n't , but as limitations of rate .
21 On a theory of understanding which linked what we can understand with what we could come to recognise as true , the distinction collapses and all the relevant sceptical arguments will be of the strongest type ; that is , will claim that we do not even understand the propositions we claim to know .
22 Until we can understand in what ways it is both new and contradictory , our ‘ curriculum management ’ will remain crisis management .
23 In addition there were about 20 interesting and enlightening comments ranging from , " You can search on what you want with this if you just type in some buzz-words " to " It only looks for keywords — does n't analyse the search " The comments are given in full by Walker and Jones .
24 In fact , if you think you may end up wanting a second machine ( of a different gauge ) as well as a standard gauge , it makes sense to buy the model without a KnitRadar and then buy the KnitRadar as an add-on accessory which you can use with whichever machine you are knitting on .
25 I can usually tell by when I when I 'm doing a fact-find reply obviously you find out whether their erm position is , is erm simply building society or national savings investment , or whether they 've gone into shares or unit trusts or investment trusts , and you can see at what level they 're operating and of course if they 've still got their money under the bed , then
26 ‘ Nothing much else , really , as you can see from what I told the Brigadier — except that , whatever 's happened , I 've got nothing to do with it — I expect she was attracted by the light in my window if she was lost . ’
27 I can see from what you 've just told me that things have changed rather a lot in fifty years .
28 Well as you can see from what Frank said , the six main sectors overall did n't fare too badly , sixteen percent drop in aggregate at the trading level and in fact er , our other interest less expenses were actually ended on eleven percent because we had a million pounds more profit from Lakeside when we sold the Tesco 's site .
29 Yet a consciousness can occur in which the focal attentiveness on a theme is absent ; in a deeply relaxed mood one simply gazes upon the world .
30 Well it 's you know , it 's up to you you can look at whatever .
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