Example sentences of "can [verb] [pron] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There is an expectation that they can earn their way into the labour market but the labour market does not want them .
2 Work which can earn me money in my spare time .
3 ‘ You can earn your money with Sammy Meredith , ’ I insisted , ‘ then sail away with me . ’
4 That you can earn your living by writing ?
5 I 'm not enduring any more of it ; you can keep the hundred pounds a year , I can earn it dressmaking and trimming millinery . ’
6 But as with any organisation , it is not without problems and these can hinder its effectiveness .
7 I 've put in to be a corpse already and then I can laugh my head off on the floor all the way through — ’
8 You can plot its movement on a map of the world and date the times of arrival of the outbreaks .
9 If I have accurate information , I can plot your star chart and produce detailed information about you .
10 Once you can weave your hair yourself
11 Cos once you can weave your hair and you cut your hair
12 We must do everything we can to restore her sight but there is no guarantee the operations will be successful . ’
13 But it is equally ridiculous to assume he can conduct his life exactly the same after marriage as before .
14 THE parties can make what agreement they wish about the time , place and manner of delivery and payment .
15 Their vents are pressed together so that the sperm can make its way into the female .
16 But it can make its presence felt , at least to those with imaginations to see : first admired , then feared , and finally mocked and looted for fragmentary hints and occasional ideas .
17 Provided , therefore , that the House is careful to avoid mention of any determination of whether or not a particular privilege exists , and to confine itself to statements which are consistent with it 's merely having decided that a breach has occurred , it can make its will prevail ( Case of the Sheriff of Middlesex ( 1840 ) 11 A & E 273 ) .
18 And there 's some doubt as to whether the council can make its tenant farmers enforce the ban .
19 The government can make its value judgements about distribution or equality and can pursue its views about the desirable degree of vertical equity without impairing the efficient functioning of a free market economy .
20 The cost of buying equipment and the requirement of skilled personnel to maintain and run it can make its use in the repeated assessments which are required for measuring rhythms prohibitively expensive .
21 The 1938 Act was repealed and replaced by the Inheritance ( provision for Family and Dependants ) Act 1975 , which increases the range of dependants who may apply for provision on death and gives the court wider powers than previously existed so that it can make whatever type of order may be most appropriate in the circumstances .
22 The court can make whatever order it considers appropriate and can impose conditions .
23 If you can make her laugh , they say , you 're half-way there .
24 If you can make her laugh while you 're coming in her mouth , then you might be said to have arrived .
25 If we give a woman controlled quantities of a substance called human gonadotrophin , we can make her produce ova to order , as it were .
26 In a new pool they often die because the water has not matured and there is insufficient debris on the pool floor in which they can make their home .
27 My country is full of distinctions of this kind , and in the congenial climate of Oxford they flourish to form a semantic jungle through which only the natives can make their way .
28 Putting a practical question to them : ‘ So what action should those ideas lead us to take , do you think ? ’ can make their contribution that much more relevant .
29 I do n't think it 's necessarily about teaching er children primarily about sex or about sexual pleasure , I think it 's all , initially , about personal hygiene and then developing that into how they can make their life safer for themself , or giving them choices to say , well I can choose to become pregnant or not to become pregnant and , I think it 's more about choices rather than saying orgasms and erm sexual pleasure , or
30 Project work at the very least can provide that " real context " in which children can see the point of learning skills such as using an index , because these skills can make their work easier .
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