Example sentences of "would not have a " in BNC.

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1 I 'd not have a child at my age .
2 Even if at the next general election Labour does better than ever before in attracting working-class support , say 80 per cent of the working class , it still would not have a majority of the vote .
3 Managing director Kevin Eakin said that while the half percentage point cut would not have a dramatic effect , it was part of a series of cuts all in the right direction .
4 So far everything had gone our way , but it was hard to believe that the wily old campaigner would not have a few more tricks up his sleeve .
5 They would not have a great choice of subjects in their fourth and fifth years .
6 If the Auxetophone had not existed , we would not have a record of Lord Northcliffe 's voice today .
7 The Keynesian concludes , therefore , that an increase in the money supply would not have a marked effect on economic activity since : ( a ) the money supply only influences economic activity indirectly via interest rates , and the latter may not be significantly affected anyway because all parts of the financial market bear the burden of adjustment ; and ( b ) investment expenditures may not be very sensitive to changes in interest rates .
8 How can you be sure that any future development of these sites would not have a deleterious effect on the conservation area , the listed buildings , the archaeology and the natural history ?
9 As president of the company , Branson would not have a seat on the board .
10 At one stage , Fields had threatened to pull out of the arrangement altogether and find a new partner , until the CAA made it clear that Fields would not have a licence without Virgin 's involvement .
11 The table is built up by calculating p(0) , and hence the probability that any given address would not have a home record allocated to it .
12 ‘ You would not have a hsiang p'ien , by any chance ? ’
13 If we did not have certain terms , for instance if we did not have a word ‘ orange ’ as well as a word ‘ yellow ’ , it is easy to imagine that we would not have a concept of the corresponding colours ; indeed the fact that there is nothing natural or necessary about colour terms is proved , as one of Saussure 's successors argued ( Hjelmslev 1961 : 52ff. ) by the fact that different languages divide up the colour spectrum differently .
14 She had been left before when she was eight years old , but if she allowed herself to stay with Alain , to love him , she would not have a whole childhood to recover from it .
15 It seemed the prince would not have a witness influenced , even by his own daughter .
16 The reality of change is certainly understood by the Scottish business community which well knows the impact that some of the alternatives would have on Scotland — they would not have a happy impact .
17 The difference between our position and that of the Labour party is that people accept that we would be prepared to use nuclear weapons and know that Labour Members would not be , so they would not have a deterrent .
18 Interestingly enough Larry Witty , the General Secretary of the Labour Party , said at last year 's Labour Party Conference that if it had not been for the steadily , steady influence of the unions during the eighties , when the Party was tearing itself in two , we would not have a Labour Party today .
19 The position is now somewhat alleviated by the case of Rowlands ( Mark ) Ltd v Berni Inns Ltd [ 1985 ] QB 211 where it was held that the intention of the parties to the lease was that the landlord 's claim would be against the insurers under the insurance policy and that the landlord would not have a claim against the tenant for breach of covenant , to the effect that there was no claim to which the insurers could be subrogated .
20 Thus if the confidential information was published in full detail then the initial recipient would not have a head start .
21 Based on actuarial calculations , such a step would not have a long-term impact on the provision for pensions , they claimed .
22 At a general meeting of Darlington Rugby Club some members voiced concern to the committee that the club would not have a ground on which to play home matches next season .
23 She would not have a claim for the loss of her child .
24 Their lawyers argued the men would not have a fair trial because of the delays , and proceedings against them were stayed .
25 Cllr Eddie McEvilly , Labour , said : ‘ It is really quite disgraceful for chief officers to show our hand like this and reveal we would not have a strong case . ’
26 He concluded that , albeit the discretion he had under section 78 of the Act of 1984 might be wider than the discretion at common law , the criteria of unfairness were the same whether the discretion was being exercised at common law or under the statute , that paragraph C10.1 had no application to the situation , and that admission of the challenged evidence would not have an adverse effect on the fairness of the trial within section 78 .
27 In the result the judge concluded that to admit the challenged evidence would not have an adverse effect on the fairness of the trial .
28 So annotations in Central and Southern Hambleton would not have an effect on Cleveland .
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