Example sentences of "would not [vb infin] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Father said she 'd not eat or drink till she gave in ?
2 ‘ It was when Lachlan said he 'd not come that your face changed .
3 And she 'd not rise and slip out unnoticed !
4 The door would not open and she had nowhere to go .
5 She found another door that would not open and knocked loudly on it .
6 ‘ I could n't understand why the front door would not open and this young fellow appeared and asked if I wanted any help .
7 But this claim is precisely one which he would not make if he were not certain that p .
8 He warned that the reconciliation process would not progress until the North had moved on this issue .
9 Even knowing he was finished she would not stop but pulled herself against him , levered and bucked with a grunting intensity which made him look down on her with pity .
10 Mr Adams made his offer to meet the four church leaders in a letter last August , but in their reply the churchmen said they would not talk until Sinn Fein publicly called for an end to violence .
11 She told herself she would not be shy , she would not blush when addressed as la petite Anglaise , she would not mind having her fluency admiringly remarked upon , she would not care that everyone in the shop would turn round and stare at her , the foreigner .
12 That way , of course , you would not protest when she moved .
13 Those exquisite hand-tailored shoes would not feel that their place is in an airy whirl of orgasmic delight .
14 And I would not feel that Kenneth would ge could get near to any one of us .
15 I would very much hope that other parents would not feel that they ought to be doing to the same thing , unless their circumstances were very similar .
16 I would very much hope that other parents would not feel that they ought to be doing to the same thing , unless their circumstances were very similar .
17 But it seemed , sir , when first I talked to Mrs Browning , before ever I mentioned my plan , or else I would not have mentioned it , it seemed Ferdinando was to go , that there was no choice , that he was nigh essential to your comfort , and then , having spoken out , to find he was not and therefore he would not go and my plan was to come to nothing — it is hard to understand , sir . ’
18 The reason I would not go and live there for six days , let alone six months , was segregation .
19 Certainly , they would not go and beg from wealthy relatives !
20 Increases in producer prices were announced for tea ( up 75 per cent to Sh35 per kilogram with immediate effect ) and grade A cotton ( up 63 per cent with effect from December 1989 ) ; coffee prices would not change until world prices improved .
21 On a first consideration one would not think that there would be appreciable stresses parallel to the crack surface but on reflection it will be seen that this must always be so .
22 One would not think that it was important from the statistics that have been compiled about the industry under this Government .
23 One would not think that that was Labour 's intention from reading the document ’ London United ’ issued by the Labour party , but one would know it from reading the draft of that document which the Labour party did not dare publish .
24 Sycorax would not reply except to rasp her curses .
25 It was almost predictable that a perfectionist like Pérignon would not rest until he found a bottle strong enough to withstand the internal pressure exerted by a sparkling wine .
26 He would not rest until every last parasite was cleared from this ball of rock , and , ’ his voice began to rise , ‘ neither will we .
27 He would not rest until he saw her behind bars .
28 Is there any fish I could keep with my Red-tail Catfish in his 8′ × 4′ × 4′ tank that he would not eat as he grows ?
29 Hitler endeavoured , in October 1939 , to make peace with France and Britain , but the Allies would not negotiate unless Hitler restored Poland , Austria and Czechoslovakia to their former state .
30 Franco , however , would not delegate because he saw himself as the only person capable of carrying out the mission of maintaining a united Spain .
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