Example sentences of "would [be] [verb] more " in BNC.

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1 Mr Young said that now the trust had its core holdings , the second tranche of money would be invested more slowly with some held back for new opportunities .
2 The objectives would be achieved more readily ‘ if courses were developed on a unit basis ’ .
3 The question would be posed more specifically , distinguishing between the types of physical characteristics that were felt to be relevant to teaching and those , such as hair colour , which were not .
4 For since fishermen require only trained aptitudes , and not any exceptional natural qualities , their number could be increased in less than a generation to almost any extent that was necessary to meet the demand ; while the industries connected with building boats , making nets , etc. being now on a larger scale would be organized more thoroughly and economically .
5 If we were still in the veiled forests then I would be remembering more , but we drove hard to get into the open , and banish the memory .
6 A less controversial proposal was a constitutional ban on the extradition of drug traffickers to stand trial in the United States ; Gaviria denied that this would mean traffickers would be treated more leniently [ see p. 38001 ] .
7 Closed-shop arrangements would be made more difficult and secondary picketing outlawed , to avoid the kind of violence that had disfigured the Grunwick dispute .
8 However , such boards are difficult to turn and in large waves can nosedive , so for a more manoeuvrable design the rocker line would be made more curved .
9 However , if economic evaluation were used more frequently in choosing between treatment technologies such ‘ trade-offs ’ between cost and quality would be made more explicit .
10 In this way , individual schools and their teachers would be made more closely accountable for the education they provide since their work will be directly assessable against the results of other schools in the locality and against the national standards .
11 DEC says that OSF/1-on-Alpha is now its primary platform and applications target and that customers are telling it the transition would be made more easily from MIPS R/4000-based boxes running Ultrix than OSF/1 .
12 The Congressional reformers had hoped that , by modifying the seniority system , strengthening the party caucuses and other changes , parties would be made more viable , but their efforts were offset by other developments , most notably in the realm of campaigning .
13 The Pullmans , it was announced , would be kept more or less exclusively for Pullman Rail 's newly created non-steamcharter haul business .
14 The objective would be to demonstrate more clearly how to increase the value of the company .
15 Were it possible to take a pill after which the most perfect essays flowed from your pen , A level History courses would be completed more rapidly .
16 It might also involve feeding times ; during the daytime , meals would be given more readily in response to the child 's cries than during the night .
17 ‘ I CAME into politics to help ensure that the freedom of opportunities given to my generation would be extended more widely .
18 Nevertheless , good research departments whose staff had conceptual ability as well as research skills would be needed more than ever , and these were more likely to be found in the large , broad-based search firms .
19 LIQUIDATORS of the Isle of Man Savings and Investment Bank , which crashed seven and a half years ago with debts of £42.4m , said last night they would be paying more than 10p in the pound to the 4,000 mainly small investors who lost money .
20 Beyond that size , you would be paying more in compensation for the loss of marginal benefit of another inch than you would be saving yourself in reduced cost of the externality .
21 Working people , especially those at the top of the range , would have to understand that they would be paying more .
22 Of course , under a Labour Government they would be paying more anyway , because the Labour party proposes to undermine the contributory principle further by extending the 9 per cent .
23 In an indication that Britons would be paying more in indirect taxes in the medium term , but the the blow had been deferred until future years , the Chancellor said : ‘ These reviews will inevitably take time , so I have also had to look to the revenue side of the account .
24 Increasing workload within the same length of working day : this would again produce poorer responses for lexicographers but in addition batch processes would be requested more frequently and this would require either that they run during normal working hours or that Computer Services staff would need to work more unsocial hours .
25 At high enough temperatures , particles have so much energy that whenever they collide many different particle/antiparticle pairs would be produced — and although some of these particles would annihilate on hitting antiparticles , they would be produced more rapidly than they could annihilate .
26 But McMahon and Greene 's model predicted that there was an ideal between these two extremes , a surface at which the runner would be deflected more quickly than on either a harder or a softer track .
27 Whereas boys may become alienated from the means of learning , girls would be alienated more swiftly by the content of learning .
28 May I also say that the Department 's concern would be taken more seriously if it did not take over three months to get replies from the Secretary of State to hon. Members who draw his attention to accusations that have been made in relation to what goes on in Castlereagh ?
29 In this case , all deficiencies would be notified more sensibly up the tree from user to parent , and so on .
30 Subsequent discrimination training thus occurs between the compound of A and its associate X and of B and its associate Y. If the events used as X and Y differ from each other more than do A and B ( see Fig. 5.10(b) ) then it might be supposed that the compounds would be discriminated more readily than would an untrained A and B. Certainly most proponents of an associative account for acquired distinctiveness effects have taken their analysis no further , implying that the phenomenon follows directly from what has just been said .
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