Example sentences of "would [not/n't] have [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Although atmospheric measurements showed the gases , including chlorine , would not have adverse health effects , the scale of the incident and lack of warning caused major public concern for which the company publicly apologised .
2 You have done excellent work , and without you I would not have all the important details I needed . ’
3 Sometimes this seemed indicated , as when he told the legislature they must beware ‘ When we are freeing ourselves from one form of imperialism [ against those who would ] … bind us to another one which would swiftly undo all the work that has been done in recent years to foster … a free and independent nation ’ ; ‘ As we would not have British masters , so we would not have Russian masters . ’
4 This proved very difficult because , between the time of the decision being taken to move Cossors to Harlow and the time that my wife , my wife 's department actually went , the Development Corporation had changed their policy and would not have married women as tenants .
5 Had to satisfy that desire , he wrote , yet find a way of doing so that would not have that physical effect on me .
6 He would be steady and sensible and considerate and would not have that rovin' gleam in his eye .
7 Years later , when I was with Sandford in the Second World War , he told me that people in Addis Ababa had been saying that I would not have one chance in ten of survival if I entered Aussa .
8 As a country , if we all ate a lower-fat , and less-processed diet , Britain would not have one of the world 's highest rates of heart disease .
9 If you were to take a pencil and cross out every verse in the New Testament which refers to the resurrection or to the idea that Jesus Christ is alive , you would not have much of the New Testament left .
10 None of this suggested that the English would go forward to build up the most wide-ranging empire that the world had ever seen , and even if Hakluyt had added that the English had made some attempts to settle in North America and had organized themselves for trade in the East Indies he would not have much altered the case .
11 Conventional weapons would not have much of an offensive application in a world war in this era .
12 erm and certainly it would not have much retention .
13 If this was n't here we would have to practise for £7 an hour , so we would not have much money at the end of the week .
14 and the advantage it would be , for the majority of endowments you 're gon na find out there for mortgage purposes , would not have living insurances attached to them .
15 Each executive selected an episode that he wished to redesign so that it would not have negative consequences .
16 It included a number of thirty-foot trees and a tide of foliage that would not have disgraced Kew Gardens .
17 Along with the Daily Post Martin Ayling had inherited Hatherley , an estate of hundreds of acres of good Cotswold riding country and a house which would not have disgraced minor royalty .
18 There was a lot more rhubarb , along the lines of ‘ Yes , what ? ’ and ‘ What are we going to sing , brothers ? ’ and then Mrs Quigley cut in over the top of this with a cadenza that would not have disgraced Dame Kiri Te Kanawa .
19 Unfortunately , however , he would not have long to play before he was turned to spaghetti . ’
20 ( Unfortunately , however , he would not have long to play before he was turned to spaghetti .
21 Children still would not have full political status .
22 ‘ You would not have this clammy hand of conformity .
23 The hon. Gentleman has told the House that , if we had proportional representation for councils , we would not have extreme Labour councils and that , somehow , the more widespread distribution of seats would stop that happening .
24 Secondly , Panzer has noticed solution forms at the base of several small isolated rocks , which would not have sufficient surface area to allow a large amount of surface water to collect .
25 Its leaders called for a postponement of the multiparty elections scheduled for Feb. 10 , 1991 , on the grounds that they would not have sufficient time to organize a campaign , but this demand was immediately rejected by the government .
26 Although North Korea was widely thought to have the technical expertise to produce nuclear weapons , many experts concluded that it would not have sufficient stocks of plutonium for a viable weapon until 1992 , and would not be in position to test such a device until 1995 .
27 The offeror may wish to do this if the target would remain technically listed or the offeror would not have sufficient control over the target 's assets after the takeover .
28 Well , this letter is longer than anticipated — and perhaps says things we would not have chit-chattered about on the phone .
29 If people trained their dogs properly from the start we would not have these problems .
30 Barbel Bohley , a co-founder of the reformist discussion group New Forum , said the promise by the Politburo was ‘ only a verbal concession ’ which would not have any effect on real life .
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