Example sentences of "would [vb infin] that i " in BNC.

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1 A. T. The worst part of the job was after passing the Sergeant 's exam and waiting for twelve to thirteen years to get promoted — you 'd have the Chief Constable 's Orders come out and you 'd see people who had passed years after you being promoted and you 'd think that I 'll do my thirty years like this .
2 I 'd think that I have seen enough to say that cricket could never be the be-all-and-end-all of life for me .
3 From the look on her face you 'd think that I had confessed to a desire to murder her family and steal all her money .
4 ‘ But you 'd prefer that I should do so ? ’ she persisted .
5 He is the most considerate of men , and he 'd know that I would be worried about him . "
6 If I were experienced and sophisticated like Marise , he might get involved with me anyway , because he 'd know that I understood the game and would n't get hurt .
7 I used to go into a shop and I 'd shake and I 'd know that I was doing wrong and I 'd be really scared and I 'd just knew I do n't want to go to prison so I decide to stop it .
8 And I 'd know that I 'd incurred that expense .
9 ‘ I wish you 'd remember that I have n't got a fast-forward button , Flo ! ’
10 Right , so then you 'd guess that I was Saint Paul 's Cathedral .
11 It 's the same as that place in Australia where they have n't seen rain for seventeen years , I mean there 's children who are grown up now at college have never seen a spot of rain , I 'd hate that I 'd rather have our , sometimes dismal climate .
12 He 'd threaten that I 'd not get any money the next week , but I always managed to .
13 ‘ On the pendulum of self-exposure that oscillates between aggressively exhibitionistic Mailerism and sequestered Salingerism , I 'd say that I occupy a midway position ’ , explains Roth in The Facts — in a prefatory letter to his alter ego of earlier books , the novelist Nathan Zuckerman , who is granted a letter of reply at the end of this one and a perusal of the intervening narrative .
14 When I could n't get to sleep as a kid , I 'd imagine that I was a political leader .
15 You would think that I was asking for the earth to be changed but I 'm not really .
16 OK , so I acted a little foolishly last night ; I 'm not perfect , I realise that , but anyone would think that I — ’
17 Mind you anybody would think that I sold headlights .
18 People would know that I could do the job .
19 He would assume that I had been detained scrubbing the floors of the kitchens at Grindlewood Park .
20 He pointed out that although my title was an attractive one — since there was such a thing as a ‘ servile ’ society , namely a totalitarian one — the reader would assume that I was using the word liberal in the modern sense , which was certainly not my intention , He then went meticulously through my argument , and it almost pained me that he should take so much trouble over a work which I can not think it deserved .
21 As a younger person I , I would expect that I 've probably got another fifteen years to go to the menopause , but I 'm looking forward to it as a relief from pre-menstrual syndrome !
22 When they rise to an equal level , like for instance if I have a choice between going to a woman doctor and a man doctor and they 're both on the GP list , I will choose the woman , because the woman has had to fight tooth and nail , probably , and work much harder , to get at an equal level with the man , so I would suspect that I 'm getting value for and quality there by going for the woman .
23 Neither would I infer that Spare Rib 's readers would endorse that I 'm straight , white , no longer middle class , anti-IRA , have mixed feelings about Israel 's policies , ca n't knit , bake , have unbiddable hair and a 34-inch chest .
24 Oh yes indeed , indeed , well only last week I said do need some flowers , come on Thursday they 're fresh , I said I want them now Lionel , I hate to be without flowers in the room and he said well have two for the price of one , he would insist that I had two bunches for the price of one .
25 I wrote a final letter hoping that when he read my book he would see that I was serious .
26 And how it fits into your life , I have the feeling that er if I could fix it so that I could do it sort of in the house , by the way , I could , I could do certain things and I could stick to them , and I would see that I 'd do them .
27 He said slowly , ‘ You do n't know me very well , Lissa , or you would understand that I do n't take kindly to facing the wrong end of a pair of shears .
28 So when the shivering fit is over I write my bellicose article and no one would guess that I ever hesitated .
29 Sometimes , he would whisper that I was an innocent little thing , a primrose , a little white pony and other endearments : strange , understated fantasies that I could not comprehend .
30 All that morning I was frightened that my sister would discover that I had stolen from her , but luckily she was so busy cleaning the house , and roasting the chickens for our Christmas lunch that she did not notice that I had been out , or that any food was missing .
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