Example sentences of "would [adv] [vb infin] if " in BNC.

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1 Although she 'd only fuss if she were .
2 So sharing out two six shared out between four what you 'd normally write if you ca n't do fractions you 'd say once remainder two would n't you .
3 Yeah but you 'd know , you 'd just know if there 's like six or seven tyrant , tyrants in the local district or whatever and you 'd go after them .
4 Erm tells you a lot it would n't erm if somebody hit you in the back you 'd still move if you had the handbrake on .
5 Er , well as in the English you 'd probably say if you did n't study philosophy , you 'd say were identified as Venus , but it 's not the same thing .
6 Old Mrs Rogers has lost a lot of her marbles but she 'd surely know if it was someone actually living along there . ’
7 I said almost nothing in the letter ; only that I 'd thought about her once or twice , that I had discovered what ‘ the waiting-room ’ meant ; and that she was to write back only if she really wanted to , I 'd quite understand if she did n't .
8 To suggest that change is a bad thing would be stupid ; we 'd never advance if that were so .
9 We 'd never know if we did n't check . ’
10 All knowledge of life and lives , and indeed of history , is a good in itself , and seems likely to inform literary intelligence ; and in addition Amis 's novels would rather confuse if thought to be the work of an early Tudor writer .
11 Similarly , although Wilde ( 1988 ) claims that a potentially variable level of subjective risk is necessary for RHT , a prediction of RHT is that subjects would modify their behaviour in order to actually experience constant levels of subjective risk which would only alter if they changed their ‘ target level of risk ’ .
12 Mary herself was quite keen , stipulating though that she would only stay if Rufus did not .
13 So I suppose I 'm introducing something that would only exist if you started next week .
14 Extra costs would only arise if the plan for as many as 51 councils were adopted .
15 People would only switch if the new price was below the old , but if the incumbent firm hears of these plans after ( say ) only one contract has been signed it may be able still to win the day by immediately offering all its other customers new terms .
16 Several householders were very concerned about road congestion in the area , which they said , would only worsen if the building went ahead at Blands Corner .
17 ‘ I would only go if I could take Terry , ’ he said .
18 It would only shift if the government chose to alter the money supply .
19 It has established diplomatic and trade relations with South Korea and its rapidly growing economy would only suffer if a war were to start across the border .
20 ‘ Ah-ha , ’ he started confidently , ‘ that would only happen if it had been a defenestration .
21 Note that it can not be formulated as ‘ always calculate proportions along the rows ’ ; this would only work if the explanatory variable was always put in the rows , and no such convention has been established .
22 Brushing aside Allen 's pleas not to ‘ take as selfish view of Socialism , a national view ’ , Wheatley argued that the ‘ Living Wage ’ strategy would only work if import duties were introduced to prevent foreign capitalists , employing sweated labour , from reaping the benefit of the increased demand in the British economy .
23 Herbert Morrison was an advocate of tighter centralised control , and the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Fuel and Power , Sir Donald Fergusson ( who believed nationalisation would only work if the public corporations were genuinely independent ) felt that independence was more likely to be achieved with a larger corporation which was more able to resist direct government intervention .
24 She smiled at her own ingenuity , the smile fading as she realized the ploy would only work if Worsdale was actually in the gallery .
25 They were the main enemies of the predominant sect , the Pharisees , who believed that salvation would only come if they adhered strictly to the Mosaic law , as originally set out in Deuteronomy where it was made clear that the chosen people must be a ‘ clean ’ people .
26 Regarding the use of different tunings , problems would only occur if the tunings are extreme in nature , which might require some sort of compromise truss rod setting to minimise fret buzz .
27 ‘ But poisons that would only kill if taken regularly over a long period of time , do they exist ? ’
28 There was no need for Authority members to preview controversial programmes themselves : the court would only interfere if no reasonable person could believe that the system established by the IBA would maintain programme standards at the general level required by the Act .
29 It was threatened again ( though Edward VIII made it plain that he would only comply if the Liberal government demonstrated that it had a popular mandate for abolition ) in 1909 .
30 He did n't appreciate that a production company would only flourish if there were several channels , run by people with diverse sensibilities , through which to filter projects .
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