Example sentences of "would [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 " This Meeting having taken into Consideration the State of the Island as to Grain & provisions , until the next Crop comes on , are of opinion that with economy , there may be neither in the Island , what is sufficient for the Support of the Inhabitants , but if any Grain or putatoes are exported from the Island , that it may endanger a scarcity … " and they are " to use their utmost exertions for preventing any of the Grain of the Island being destroy 'd by Illegal Distillers … "
2 Refer to the To Wound Chart to determine the roll needed to wound , and roll a dice per hit as you would for multiple bow or crossbow hits .
3 Well , that 's certainly true , but Bridgemere is absorbing the extra cost itself so you 'll be paying the same for the nursery 's coir-grown plants as you would for peat-raised plants .
4 But wisely Mrs Christie saw that she would have much more difficulty seeing the world through juvenile spectacles than she would through Belgian ones .
5 the A , one of the A S Ns would of additional responsibility , it would n't be absolutely every performance
6 Secondly , many people who take out credit arrangements would with good reason judge themselves to be relatively free from the risk of unemployment , or loss of earnings through illness — or at least would be ready and able to weather their financial difficulties in the event .
7 Mix different kinds of foliage plants to create a design , as you would with flowering plants .
8 I have been at those dinners where the merits of our contemporaries are discussed , and where Du Camp , as each new name was suggested , would with infinite urbanity correct the general view .
9 And trouble may not mean just the change of ruling party that it would in Western Europe .
10 It was still believed , or at any rate hoped , that the refugees would in due course come to terms with their situation and accept resettlement .
11 Despite the linguistic anomaly that the season called ‘ the time of inundation ’ would in due course fall in one of the other seasons , the Egyptians retained the 365-day calendar right down to the Roman period because of its convenience as an automatic record of the passage of time in an era , each year containing the same number of days , unlike our years .
12 Foo saw the waves as a watery pyre , where he would in due course achieve martyrdom .
13 Events would in due course moderate his view of the French experiment , but Poole , in spite of hostility , never abandoned his intelligent radicalism or his strong social conscience .
14 While some would be used as breeding earths , others would in due course be used as hideaways as vixens brought their young from areas where they had been disturbed .
15 There was then little belief in the value of the Coalition Liberals , but a strong belief in the value of Lloyd George ; he would be a good advocate with the new electorate and he would in due course be disarmed as Chamberlain had been .
16 It may be that none of these incidents , taken by itself , would be very significant , but the cumulative effect of them supports the view that the plaintiff and her husband subordinated their own interests to the wishes of the deceased … the plaintiff 's acts went well beyond what was called for by natural love and affection for someone to whom she had no blood relationship , and both she and her husband made it very clear in their evidence that there was no great love and affection between her husband and the deceased , and that he was only willing to pay for meals that the plaintiff provided for the deceased and to work as he did in the garden of the cottage because of the expectation that the deceased 's estate would in due course pass to the plaintiff .
17 Yet even the foreign secretary conceded that economic difficulties would in due course force a reappraisal of Britain 's military commitments within Nato .
18 The term ‘ annunciation ‘ ( announcement ) is that given to the message presented by the angel Gabriel to the Blessed Virgin Mary that she would in due time be delivered of the Son of God , and the festival commemorating this — Lady Day — has the date 25 March .
19 In this way the local communities can continue as collective organic wholes yet their continuing existence does not challenge , as it would in other systems , the external dictatorial force of the State .
20 What that in some areas somebody would n't get an application whereas that they would in other areas ?
21 and the boy would next morning would pass on the outside of the gate offering a reward of five pounds to anyone who would in other words five pounds for Oliver Twist I never in for this in my life said the in the white , white coat as he locked the gate and he went to the next morning .
22 The courts could systematically substitute their choice as to how the discretion ought to be exercised for that of the administrative authority ; they would in other words reassess the matter afresh and decide , for example , whether funds ought to be allocated in one way rather than another .
23 In addition to the reduced Sports Council grant we have now been informed that facilities we have been able to use free of charge for QT Days would in future cost £210 for six hours , the maximum permissible time .
24 It was thought that this would stimulate our divinity students in being close to the university and so involved in contact with university students who would in future years be leaders of the nation , just as we hoped the divinity students would become leaders of the Church .
25 He reassured shareholders that the TSB would in future focus on banking and insurance services for personal and small business customers under the name of TSB , while the troubled Hill Samuel subsidiary would return to traditional merchant banking , concentrating on fee-earning services .
26 On June 5 Martens announced further details of the reforms which were to include : ( i ) the demilitarization of the gendarmerie which would in future report to the Ministry of Interior rather than to that of Defence ; ( ii ) a 10-year service limit for senior positions throughout the three branches of the security services ( the communal police , investigative police and the paramilitary gendarmerie ) ; and ( iii ) improved co-operation and co-ordination between the security services and town councils .
27 Clearly , if a communist revolution was to take place in a country like Russia , the historical stage marked by capitalism would in great part have been skipped .
28 One sees more of the bowl and stem of the Picasso Compotier , for instance , than one would in normal vision if one assumed the same high viewpoint when looking at the top of it ; and the gourd behind is painted as though in silhouette or directly at eye level .
29 The officials who sent them off from the ports with the loaded railway-wagons gave them rations for the number of days which the grain would in normal times take to its destination .
30 That is more than I can say about the Liberal Democrats , who seem to be headed for their own Westminster bunker en masse , or for Robin Cook , Clare Short , John Prescott or Chris Smith — all of whose views I would in normal times respect and follow with interest .
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