Example sentences of "would rather [be] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Thérèse said : I 'd rather be reading a book .
2 Sue Lawley ‘ Sometimes I 'd rather be ironing … ’
3 ‘ Sometimes I 'd rather be ironing
4 I 'd rather be working .
5 Well we 'd rather be talking to the West Midlands , Chair rather than fighting about where it 's going throughout the whole of England , which is a slight difference , in geographical terms .
6 I think you 'd rather be playing with everything would n't you ?
7 You 'd rather be doing your job than anything else in the world .
8 ‘ I 'd rather be doing it on my own , ’ Maria responded waspishly , taking advantage of the fact that no one was near enough to overhear them for the moment .
9 Delgado poured them a whisky like he 'd rather be doing something else .
10 Getting in the way of things you 'd rather be doing ? ’
11 Now , I 'd rather be sitting in a car than standing on a crowded platform , but there was n't much in the way of light relief on the radio .
12 ‘ Naah , I say rush it ! ’ laughs Bryan ; ‘ I 'd rather be sitting on a beach any day … ’
13 I 'd rather be sitting in there and listening to music .
14 I 'm sure most people in those places would rather be eating fish and chips .
15 Imagine yourself as an examiner working on a huge pile of scripts in pleasant summer weather when you would rather be playing tennis .
16 In theory it 's a lovely idea , a whole day just relaxing and listening to God etc , but actually Dad was rather ‘ down ’ this morning before they left — I think he was worried he 'd have more of the Virgin Mary rammed down his throat , and , quite frankly , would rather be playing golf with Mark , or going for a gentle walk with all of us .
17 These include pounding head , dry mouth , stiff face muscles , sweaty palms , tension in the neck and shoulders , a desire to go to the lavatory and the feeling that sitting calmly is a great strain and you would rather be pacing up and down the room .
18 you know , bi would rather be flowing about and you know ?
19 ( Is there anything else you would rather be doing at the moment , apart from being a housewife and a mother ? )
20 ( Do you ever feel there is anything else you would rather be doing now … ? )
21 This way he will not be stuck with a loan around his neck when he would rather be doing his own thing .
22 She was doing it with her usual spare , economical elegance , but also with the air of one who would rather be doing something else .
23 These people have met new friends , gained in confidence and , most of all , self respect and would rather be doing some form of work rather than wasting away at home .
24 Jon , in particular , would rather be working or studying cricket almanacs than sleeping .
25 ‘ They knew that I liked girls and if I had a choice , I would rather be talking to the girls than doing my homework . ’
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