Example sentences of "would do [pron] for " in BNC.

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1 Look , I 'd appreciate it if you 'd do something for me . ’
2 They 'd done it for Adam and Christopher and they 'd do it for him .
3 It just makes you feel good because you kid yourself they 'd do it for free anyway . ’
4 I reckon I 'd do it for a thousand pounds .
5 He said he 'd do it for $8,000 .
6 We thought it was so good that we 'd do it for the old people 's home .
7 He 'd do it for ten quid , let alone for this little lot . ’
8 You 'd do it for for Bert .
9 She was asking what Steve had come up with job wise she said if ever I wanted a C V writing Graham 'd do it for me
10 No I think , I reckon that if you knew that the bloke was an easy pull , they would n't do it if they , if they knew they could n't get the girl cos otherwise it would be embarrassing for them , but if they knew that she was an easy pull they 'd do it for a joke .
11 ‘ But you , ’ again that glitter in his eyes , ‘ you 'd do anything for me . ’
12 I 'd do anything for them . ’
13 ‘ He 'd do anything for me — even killed a man for my sake . ’
14 ‘ Not to put too fine a point on it , you 'd do anything for me , would n't you ? ’
15 They 'd do anything for you within reason you know .
16 ‘ You said you 'd do anything for your family .
17 She 'd do anything for us — and we both know that , which means I suppose that we have a sort of shell of security which goes with us everywhere . ’
18 The kind of crooks who 'd do anything for money , deal in guns , that sort of thing .
19 He 's twenty-two , and he 'd do anything for me , get me anything I want .
20 But Ven , she discovered , was not prepared to let her off the hook , and , ‘ Why … ’ he began to challenge , ‘ … when you 're honest , I know it , yet have begun on a path of deception to one particular end — why , when it 's so important to your sister whom — you love … ’ an alert look suddenly came to his eyes , and he broke off for a brief moment before continuing , his serious dark eyes holding hers ‘ … a sister whom you 'd do anything for , as you proved when you left England and came here — why are you ready to leave now , without another thought ? ’
21 but she 'd do anything for you , if you say like midnight one night you got her out of bed and come down .
22 And kind — he 'd do owt for you .
23 Thank you everybody who said they would do them for next year .
24 With the obvious exception of Clement Freud [ Note : that 's Sir Clement Freud who said on our 150th anniversary , ‘ I would do nothing for Punch except cheer for its demise . ’ ] , everyone must be saddened by this week 's news .
25 ‘ A black eye and a bloody nose would do nothing for my publicity photos .
26 Harold Macmillan was by no means alone at that time in looking forward to a government of Mosley and the younger men who would do something for the country at last .
27 Generally he seems to have dealt with those who came to him with requests by saying that he would do something for them , and then repeating this promise whenever he had to , postponing action for as long as possible .
28 So , Ace had hoped her father would do something for him ?
29 Some German agents must have stood out like sore thumbs ( One , codenamed ‘ Garbo ’ , could never figure out English pounds , shillings , and pence , and once reported back to Berlin from Glasgow that there were men there ‘ who would do anything for a litre of wine ’ ( p. 112 ) . )
30 Nevertheless we crave it and would do anything for it .
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