Example sentences of "would have [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 You 'd have to be daft not to want to give it a go .
2 He 'd have to be careful .
3 There was something of Ewan in her , of course ; there 'd have to be .
4 You 'd have to be getting back , anyway , would n't you ? ’
5 Because you ca n't keep him under wraps for ever , and if you did marry him , you 'd have to be sure he would n't stray in your sister 's direction .
6 There is a tiny hole at the end , and if you go into this hole ( you 'd have to be as small as a fig wasp to do so , and they are minute : thankfully too small to notice when you eat a fig ) , you find hundreds of tiny flowers lining the walls .
7 Although warning signs shout at you not to cross these fragile constructions , as you 're bound to fall off and die and do n't say they did n't tell you so , you 'd have to be a boring old git not to want to do a balancing act over them for thrills .
8 She 'd have to be very hard-up before she would take a man like him .
9 Oh , yes , you 'd have to be away from the town .
10 You 'd get off at six o'clock in the morning and you 'd have to be in court at ten o'clock .
11 You 'd have to be in your vest .
12 He 'd have to be someone in need of a lot of psychiatric help ! ’
13 You 'd have to be a complete and utter grimboid to miss it …
14 To minimise error I 'd have to be low — very low !
15 I 'd have to be in a grown-up panto — called something like Mother 's Goosed .
16 You 'd have to be on the ground .
17 I 'd have to be insane or an imbecile to do such a thing . ’
18 If you were going to live your life again , how old would you think you 'd have to be before you felt mature enough to make the decision to get married ?
19 ‘ The National Front Disco ’ is such a self-evidently silly title and the sentiments and tone so obviously satirical that you 'd have to be pretty blinkered to be offended by it .
20 Admittedly , the ‘ eat shit — a million flies ca n't be wrong ’ argument never did hold much water , but when every single person in the place is singing ‘ Altogether Now ’ or ‘ Love See No Colour ’ , waving their arms and jumping about , with sweat dripping from the walls , you 'd have to be a hell of a snob not to be slightly moved .
21 RISC is the right word — DEC may have got everything right first time , but as a third party with a choice , you 'd have to be pretty desperate to bet the shop on it .
22 Meanwhile , the Cologne show is worth a try : ‘ You 'd have to be blind not to notice that the German Mark has been strong lately .
23 I 'd have to be honest and say , yes , I would n't argue , ’ says a married 35-yearold estate agent .
24 You 'd have to be irresponsible to yourself . ’
25 I 've been going out with a bloke for about ten years , but I would n't marry him — I 'd have to be in to make his tea !
26 and luckily that the , the song that we did was funny and so people enjoyed it , but they did n't understand it and they did n't have a visual image of the artist 's work , so I now have to take erm a couple of pictures , er prints with me if ever were going to read it and we sing those songs but not everybody does , and then they do become excessible you know , they can see , you know , that erm , yes erm if it , if I was going to publish a book of poem I , it would have to be stated that this related to this picture and presumably it 'd have to be , it would be with it , with it
27 And at the end of the day then , you have to weigh up whether or not you decide that even though , if you like in the strictest financial terms , it is not profitable to open the cinema and to employ staff doing that although presumably they 'd have to be employed doing something else unless you changed their rota patterns nonetheless because of your the demands of funding bodies , your own cultural aims and equal opportunities policies , you 've decided that you will do so even though it 's going to be marginally a loss in financial terms .
28 The difference being , that if it 's a saucepan then obviously a saucepan you lift it with one hand and if it 's full of hot water or something then you 'd have to be careful .
29 I 'd have to be crazy , he thought .
30 Neither we , nor they knew just how flexible and responsive they 'd have to be .
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