Example sentences of "would [adv] [not/n't] [be] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd rather not be here . ’
2 And would n't it be awful if he ever realized that it 's not very important to us , that we 'd rather not be safe if only he had the courage to take our safety away … "
3 She 's traumatised and dehydrated but otherwise unharmed but he 's got soul brother 's limbs where his own ought to be ; necrosis like frostbite , blood-death at the extremities but the extremities start at shoulder and groin ; he 's alive but if you were him you 'd rather not be .
4 I 'll get Annunziata to keep something hot in the kitchen and then if you 'd rather not be bothered with us tonight , you can have it there — or in bed , if that would be better , ’ said Julia , her heart feeling as though it were held in a tightening vice as she saw his misery .
5 But one thing you ca n't disguise is that you 'd rather not be there .
6 Yeah , erm it certainly would n't do any harm , erm I 'd rather not be rung at work if that 's alright
7 ‘ No — please — I 'd rather not be moved .
8 ‘ Perhaps you 'd rather not be tied down here .
9 what all that crap erm no thank you I 'd rather not be degraded like that .
10 ‘ If Bryan had n't fired me , I 'd probably not be in the charts now . ’
11 You 'd certainly not be able to live the way you do now .
12 The president , Corazon Aquino , is a cousin and no doubt would rather not be .
13 thirtysomething continually moves the viewer ( particularly , it has to be said , the male , white , middle-class viewer of a certain age ) in and out of identification with characters she-and-particularly-he would rather not be , and in and out of dilemmas she-and-particularly-he would rather not recognize .
14 It contained questions that most citizens , unaware that numbers did behave , would rather not be asked .
15 First it was pointed out that , whatever the intention , rehabilitation does punish people ; in particular , it allows people to be put into institutions where they would rather not be .
16 I … would rather not be alone .
17 It would presumably not be worth splitting the task into two for small batches because the communication costs between programmer and operator , with the frequent interaction needed given the small batch size , would outweigh the savings made in wage costs from hiring someone semi-skilled to do the machining .
18 If we had paid more attention to what the Japanese were doing we would perhaps not be so subject to their products as we are .
19 The mechanisms that might be responsible for these effects are in need of fuller specification but the effort would perhaps not be worthwhile since in fact they do not account for the results to be explained .
20 Of course this notice would naturally not be signed by both parties as required by s. 2 , which had come into effect a few weeks before .
21 Mr Dowling took the young Morrison under his wing as a ‘ kind of PA ’ , giving him the benefit of his own wide experience in all aspects of the profession — ‘ something that would just not be practical nowadays ’ .
22 If points on a circle were not equidistant from some fixed point , then that figure would just not be a Euclidean circle .
23 It had done very badly in the 1967 local elections , and in November Wilson at last devalued the pound — assuring a somewhat puzzled nation that ‘ the pound in your pocket ’ would somehow not be affected .
24 Were it to do so , literally hundreds of thousands of people would tonight not be sitting at home frightened about whether they might be dragged into the courts and on to prison .
25 A return form completed in this way and filed on or before the due date will satisfy the obligations under s 11 , TMA 1970 , and the company would normally not be liable to a late-filing penalty under s 94 , TMA 1970 .
26 MARTIN EDWARDS , chairman and chief executive of Manchester United , insisted after a four-hour board meeting at Old Trafford yesterday that he would still not be rushed into selling his majority shareholding , writes Stephen Bierley .
27 MARTIN EDWARDS , chairman and chief executive of Manchester United , insisted after a four-hour board meeting at Old Trafford yesterday that he would still not be rushed into selling his majority shareholding .
28 It would still not be performed until after his death .
29 We have looked at these carefully , but feel that even with careful selection and improvement in proficiency with the equipment they would still not be good enough for reproduction .
30 But you would still not be surprised if it ended its useful life after ten years or so of daily use .
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