Example sentences of "would [prep] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Look 'd at each other with a wild surmise —
2 She went down the stairs and , again remembering Naylor 's rage , she was certain about one thing — that , whatever way , whichever way , somehow , if he had not done so already , Naylor would at some time soon take action that would for all time sever the relationship he thought she had with his cousin .
3 Could n't really , stand out , yes , they did n't stand out as much exhibits as they would with another occasion something else .
4 ‘ Let us worry about that , ’ said the Captain , who knew exactly what would happen if nobody paid and that they would in all likelihood never find the body .
5 One of the least realistic was an Iranian proposal , the implementation of which would in all likelihood have turned Afghanistan into a pro-Iranian Islamic state distanced from both East and West .
6 The police are entitled to tell the person walking away from the scene to discontinue using his filthy language , which would in all likelihood constitute an offence under section 5 of the new Act .
7 Future historians would in all likelihood use the same data to help answer entirely different questions were it accessible in its original form .
8 Mr White , meanwhile , is chronicling the doctor 's undergraduate days at Oxford and , in tabloid-Press prose , writes of college balls where ‘ the female companion of an Old Harrovian or Etonian would in all probability be the daughter of a baron or duke , wrapped in the best silk ’ , while on the river ‘ the navigators of punts … and those on the grassy banks lifting a glass of champagne to their lips ’ strike Mr White as ‘ an earthly paradise in freeze-frame ’ .
9 It is remarkable that two out of the three patients here described are children under the age of 10 years whose grievous sufferings commenced almost with their birth and would in all probability have continued to their death had not this infirmary been established . ’
10 Hoare also agreed that he had been advised by the Director of Public Prosecutions that charges of seditious libel against individuals attacking Jews as a group would in all probability fail .
11 Overpopulation strengthened the attachment of most peasants to the relative security of the commune : even without government backing the commune would in all probability have remained prevalent in the most densely populated areas .
12 If you asked Professor Cizek how he got his results , he would in all probability reply — " I just encourage the children to express themselves freely and only stop bad things from originating . "
13 This assumption is also implicit in the major 1964 oil and sugar agreement , the terms of which were such that ‘ Had Cuba been able to deliver in full its annual commitment of sugar to the USSR , this would in all probability have balanced the cost of Cuban imports from the Soviet Union .
14 As she hurried upstairs to the bedroom , which still seemed to hold Leo 's presence , she tried not to indulge in daydreams that would in all probability prove to be no more substantial than the rainbows she 'd witnessed earlier .
15 And the inspector , would in all probability have upheld the refusal , had it not been for the withdrawal , three days before the appeal , of the highways ' reasons for the refusal .
16 But the use of the notion of appropriateness-conditions would in that case simply make the wrong predictions .
17 Er in the context of bulk transfers would you like to comment on the Good Committees conclusions on the bulk transfers of members between schemes and how they operate , and do you think that er there is widespread abuse or do you think er on balance your experience has been that where bulk transfers have taken place , they have taken place responsibly , but I would in that context ask you to comment whether there has been an unreasonable time delay where you have experienced bank bulk transfers between the transfer actually taking place in terms of employees being transferred from an undertaking to another undertaking and the actual transfer of their pension funds .
18 The effects of the undergraduate curriculum would in this sense always be counter-cultural , a necessary antithesis to prevailing patterns and norms .
19 Indian painters would in this case be painting an image showing the Church 's and the State 's warning to Indians who contemplated rebellion , as many did .
20 It is not then that this particular instance of a male , semitic human being ‘ is God ’ — one would in this case have to say ‘ a god ’ .
21 The chronology of the lists would in this case , at any rate , appear to be somewhat elastic , however , since it can be shown that Haci Ivaz and Ibrahim Pasa ( presumably Candarli Ibrahim Pasa ) , also mentioned as having died , actually did so in Dhu " l-Ka'da 831/August 1428 and Dhu " l-Ka'da 832/August 1429 respectively .
22 We had assumed that their affair would in some way be a violent one , because O was known to be violent , and because Boy made you feel strange when he gave himself away to you , a strangeness , and a feeling that you always wanted more , that often came out as violence .
23 The over-simple assumptions widespread in the early 1980s that controlling the supply of money would in some way affect inflation ( the removal of which would introduce a period of substantial growth ) must be considered as being unsound .
24 It is suggested that pay would in some way ‘ institutionalise ’ the oppression of the housewife , yet many people who point out this danger are happy to accept pay for their work , even though this also presumably ‘ institutional-ises ’ whatever forms of oppression they suffer in their jobs .
25 A bit of thought indicated that , clearly , consumers , having minds , emotions , senses , and all the psychological paraphernalia that foul up our mental processes , would in some way ‘ process ’ the material coming to them in the form of advertisements .
26 This subjective impression among left-wing intellectuals such as Aragon and Nizan that the Soviet experiment would in some way resolve the contradictions of the writer/intellectual ensnared in the alienating social relations of capitalism is a key factor in explaining its attractiveness for dissident French writers in the 1930s .
27 There is some comment has been made that a new settlement to the South or the South West of York would in some way undermine the urban regeneration erm of Leeds City Council , now I find this a surprising comment given that though people who are making that comment are also at the same time advocating much increased development allocations to , for example , Harrogate district , the main centre for which is erm , nearer than most conceivable new settlement locations to the South and South West of York .
28 I think it it it 's been suggested that er in s in some way that the employment aspect of the new settlement w would in some way prejudice erm regional objectors in in terms of Leeds regardment and I really just wanted to flag up that that I ca n't accept that , given the scale of development that that 's proposed .
29 After 1174 , however , Henry hoped that the presence of his sons in different parts of the empire would in some measure provide the mobility , flexibility and speed of response which he alone could not give .
30 There could be an Asquith Government with Labour support and participation ; but this ran directly counter to the whole Labour belief in independence , and would in any event mean the greater opposition party accepting the leadership of the lesser one .
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