Example sentences of "would [verb] taken [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Cos he 'd have taken them to court and said well he did n't even pay it , I did !
2 If they 'd got him badly wounded , they 'd have taken him away , would n't they ? ’
3 Though you 'd have thought they 'd have taken it off before bringing in their things .
4 I think they must have had a bleeper on my car ; I never checked , and they 'd have taken it away when they caught up — damn it , it 's what I 'd have done : a simple radio bleeper with a magnet , you can stick it on in two seconds .
5 If I 'd had my hat I 'd have taken it off to the guy .
6 if it , if if I 'd have taken it to er body repair
7 She 'd have taken it !
8 ‘ There 's plenty of folk that would 've taken me .
9 It would 've taken me about four hours to do it .
10 I reckon it would 've taken you most of the night . ’
11 ‘ But surely if there was difficulty and she had relations , they would have taken her back . ’
12 One or two offered sympathy and would have taken her along with them , but she stayed on with her head bowed until only Sarah and the fair-haired man were left .
13 Even so , we would have taken her back , like the lost lamb that went astray , but she spurned our forgiveness .
14 And he would have taken her , or directed her .
15 His expression changed , and he would have taken her in his arms if she had n't moved quickly .
16 He would have taken her to make it his own , just as he is now taking you . ’
17 Chances were he would have taken her at her word .
18 Given a choice , you would have taken him rather than Timothy Hutton for a solicitor .
19 The printing press enabled Luther to start a Reformation — think how long it would have taken him to preach his way round Germany .
20 Instead of turning left over the canal bridge which would have taken him into the village , he turned right and began walking out of the village on the Brookend road .
21 ‘ Because the flight path he was following when we first located him would have taken him to Ankara in Turkey , or some place pretty close by .
22 Carla would have taken him to the cleaners for that .
23 This would have taken him into working-class black dance-halls , bars , churches : more generally , by extension , into the whole network of subterranean currents beneath the bland surface of the metropolitan American musical mainstream .
24 Oh it 'll likely have been about Blair Gowrie or Pitlochry or some place , just anybody who would have taken him in .
25 From there , two or three strides would have taken him over the edge and into oblivion .
26 He left the road at the hairpin bend which would have taken him up to Albert Terrace and followed the path through the kissing-gate to the moor .
27 It would have taken him all day even if they 'd had enough tarmac in the back of the pickup !
28 ‘ If one of our boys was good enough to play and was not getting a chance with Yorkshire , then surely another county would have taken him .
29 And how long it would have taken me alone ! ’
30 These I was given , but , as I soon discovered , directions which would have taken me there in an almost straight line .
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