Example sentences of "would [verb] [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 I 'd eat at his restaurant .
2 Occasionally he 'd mutter under his breath .
3 There were some weekends when he would phone me up and ask if he could come round because he 'd thought of something new for me to do , and he 'd jump into his car and come all the way just to give me a new inflection on a word ! ’
4 Joel Swanson did not understand , nor did he ever expect to understand , exactly what was going on , but the kind of activity he seemed to be hearing about , in snatches only , was more or less exactly what he 'd expect from his wife 's relatives .
5 hard luck , no I 'd like to see what he 'd do with his stuff if he had to pay with it , pay for it himself .
6 He 'd loll in his chair as he was doing then , and suddenly come out with some remark that made everyone else uncomfortable .
7 He 'd look at his watch , then at the clock on the wall , then at his watch .
8 Every dozen or so cheeses I 'd sigh and say ‘ Gra , is this really funny ? ’ and he 'd puff on his pipe calmly and say , ‘ Yes , get on with it . ’
9 Before they left , the counsellor asked Peter if he 'd return on his own to continue counselling .
10 he 'd return to his white cradle
11 And he 'd join in his guests ' laughter .
12 The Profitboss works his consultants as hard as himself , selecting only those he 'd have in his team if they were n't consultants .
13 ‘ Yes , but he said he 'd go on his own .
14 When I was a player , I 'd go into his office and we 'd talk contract for five minutes about other things for 30 minutes . ’
15 But if anybody crossed him , or if he thought the embassy establishment was trying to put him down , he 'd stand on his desk and raise hell .
16 At first sight , he was the kind of big , bull-headed Irish-American you 'd expect to see in a blue uniform directing traffic , but he had Cyprus pretty much in his pocket and was planning to retire there after he 'd put in his twenty years .
17 They 're used to be one , one of them what got killed used to , he used to ride his bike up and down the path here and sh , as start , he 'd get on his bike , she 'd run down to that bush down there and then get there before him and then , soon as he start to come back he was running back and beat him !
18 the particulars , he 'd get on his mobile phone
19 Adam did n't struggle ; no point in wasting energy when all he 'd get for his efforts would be a clip round the ear .
20 If he did n't get away now , he 'd only be waylaid by the others , there 'd be more whiskies , and it would be all hours before he 'd get to his lodgings and the letter from Elizabeth .
21 He 'd sort of hang out , he 'd shower with his
22 She 'd come to his aid at a critical moment , and they were merely indications of his gratitude .
23 And then he 'd lock the doors to the reception block , and he 'd retire to his back room and make himself as small as a child on his bunk in the corner .
24 I 'd sit on his lap and he 'd stroke me and rabbit on , and this sound would crop up with a kind of sighing and sometimes his voice would have an edge to it , too .
25 But not before he taught me ‘ the way ’ and even gave me — probably when short of a birthday present , his ‘ mantra ’ — his personal word by which to meditate ( sssh , do n't tell the guru , he 'd turn in his cave — you 're not suppose to reveal your mantra to anyone .
26 He 'd lie on his bed at three or four in the morning just looking at them with rapt concentration , not reading them , just laying them out , changing which one was next to which one , as if determining some sequence or some relationship between the writers .
27 When he was n't walking the streets , he 'd lie on his bed and torment himself with thoughts of her being somewhere close .
28 When he subsided after five minutes , he 'd lie with his eyes wide open but unfocused , weeping .
29 ‘ We 'd sit around in the evening , Dad in his chair , he had the comfortable one , and we 'd say to him , tell us about Disneyland , and he 'd chew on his pipe and be all embarrassed and smile , and we felt like a family .
30 And Karr would be the hawk he 'd fly against his prey .
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