Example sentences of "say if the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 But newsagents shops say if the grocers win , it 'll hit THEIR trade .
2 What would the American Government say if the roles were reversed ? ’ he added to nods from all quarters .
3 He says if the travellers cause problems which require policing , they should pay the bill from their benefits .
4 A pensioner who 's been robbed of more than three thousand pounds in three months , says if the men are caught , the judge should lock them up and throw away the key .
5 Amstrad boss Mr Sugar was not at home , but a spokesman said if the demonstrators came back today they could have tea and biscuits with his wife .
6 Coun Jim Skinner ( Lab ) said if the companies went ahead with the boycott there would have to be changes made to the traffic slowing scheme .
7 Det Supt Michael Hames , head of Scotland Yard 's Obscene Publica-tions branch , said if the film-makers had not called it ‘ educational ’ , then it would have been blatant pornography .
8 I 've heard them say if the owners gave them their fare home from Lowestoft to Darsham , that 's all they had .
9 JERVIS : I am not to dispute with your honour , but I dare say if the men will let her alone she 'll never trouble herself about them .
10 ‘ At least that 's what I 'll say if the police stop us . ’
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