Example sentences of "say at [art] time " in BNC.

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1 One Russian paper , described as ‘ highly conservative ’ , contained a piece , some of which , it was said at the time , was barely capable of being rendered into printable English .
2 A lot was said at the time .
3 If you later disagree with the company about what was said at the time , having your own record could prove invaluable .
4 We ( or they , as I would probably have said at the time ) now lived in a detached , fairly large house in a village in Berkshire ; my father taught at a primary school in a nearby village , and my mother had a job at the Harwell Atomic Research Establishment .
5 Girls often had gifts like that , Rosalind Swain had said at the time , especially in adolescence .
6 On the latter point , the hon. Gentleman is well aware of what was said at the time of the Barlow Clowes affair , following an investigation by the ombudsman into what was seen to be a unique set of circumstances .
7 ‘ I heard from a third party that Billy Bingham had left me out because of indiscipline , but there was nothing said at the time and he has not spoken to me since . ’
8 that 's right , erm she had said at the time when they had raised all this money that er mostly gon na be spent on erm
9 The film both fulfils the Powell-Pressburger partnership 's aim to produce ‘ original stories , written for the screen , keeping pace with events and trying to put into action what people were thinking and saying at the time , ’ which is what the more obviously documentarist filmmakers were also trying to do , and articulates its own vision of the mystical forces in nature , culminating in the healing miracle that arrives for each of the three Canterbury pilgrims on their way to the cathedral .
10 So if I wrote , ‘ The next day was a Fuesday ’ because I hit the wrong key on the typewriter , they used to leave it in , thinking that was what the kids were saying at the time !
11 ‘ This bears out what we were saying at the time . ’
12 In any event , you would do well to strive to avoid the uncertainty of a dispute about the legal effect of words said at a time when tempers flare .
13 He said at no time was Paul Jones ever hit with a cane or whip , at no time was he tied upside down and hit , he was never forced to get up early to feed the animals , or ill-treated in any way whatsoever .
14 As someone said at the time , ‘ I could believe him guilty of grievous bodily harm , but not grievous bodily charm . ’
15 Klaus Maurice , the secretary-general of the German quasi-governmental agency that negotiated the deal , said at the time : ‘ If we had pursued the lawsuit in Dallas , the legal fees would have greatly exceeded the amount we agreed to pay . ’
16 Some said at the time that Leviathan had been written for Cromwell , and indeed Hobbes did say that it supported a ‘ conscientious obedience to the present government ’ of the Protectorate .
17 ‘ These reports are a load of rubbish , ’ she said at the time .
18 Dannii said at the time : ‘ We do n't see a lot of her because our schedules clash really badly .
19 He said at the time , ‘ A dancer 's time is short .
20 They said at the time it was a crib , and La Sylphide is indeed markedly different from any other Bournonville ballet .
21 Whatever the newspapers said at the time , we knew where every penny of revenue was coming from and every penny of expenditure was going .
22 ‘ The most disturbing feature of the underground repository is not simply that an accident might occur , ’ he said at the time , ‘ but that if it did , we might never know until its consequences reached the surface — maybe decades later . ’
23 Kenneth Baker , the minister for information technology , said at the time this would make it easier for firms to obtain money .
24 KENNETH CLARK SAID at the time of World War Two , ‘ The average artist will want to go to the Front not simply out of curiosity or bravado , but because he may there discover some of that emotional stimulus on a grand scale which is inevitably lacking from his everyday life . ’
25 A friend said at the time : ‘ The break up was due to the pressures of a bad season .
26 ‘ I asked him why and he said because he could not talk or swallow , ’ she said at the time .
27 ‘ I can see no reason why I should n't keep my job because I have not committed any offence under military law , ’ he said at the time .
28 Damon said at the time : ‘ I do n't have any ambitions to follow my father into Grand Prix racing .
29 ‘ The recession gave us a window of opportunity , ’ he said at the time .
30 ‘ It was n't the litigation we would lose that was the problem , ’ he said at the time .
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