Example sentences of "say to [be] a " in BNC.

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1 Between men and women , too , there is said to be a barrier .
2 The plant is said to be a state-of-the-art facility that forms transistors onto large glass substrates , in a class-100 clean room that has the similar level of air cleanliness to those used in the manufacture of LSI chips .
3 The King is said to be a reincarnation of the Hindu god Vishnu .
4 One of these was said to be a £5m loan to Raper 's master company , the Hong Kong and Netherlands based Gasco Group .
5 The two witnesses are said to be a retired Swiss shopkeeper who had business dealings with Mr Ryan in the early 1970s , and a British businessman who had dealings with Mr Ryan in Libya .
6 Sex on Sweeney 's cannibal isle is said to be a business of being ‘ bored ’ , but the horror of the perception takes it out of mere ‘ boredom ’ , which was killing the Melanesians and , Eliot thought , the modern world .
7 I wish it could be said to be a gain to the Faculty of Theology . ’
8 It seems that although English greenswards remained innocent of South Africans , score cards from agreed events were exchanged through the mails in what is said to be a contravention of the Gleneagles Agreement .
9 The Labour candidate , Mrs Sylvia Heal , who rarely departed from script , is said to be a personal friend of Mr Kinnock .
10 Poland , one year after starting a strict anti-inflation programme , is said to be a particularly terrible place .
11 To that extent there may be said to be a mental element required for this variety of manslaughter , but it is a manifestly low mental element compared with the death which results .
12 There is said to be a grandmother at Ross Carbery who can sing the whole of ‘ The Battle of Ross Carbery ’ , another local ballad .
13 But working near the top of the BBC is said to be a nightmare , with Checkland a lame-duck , Birt not speaking out and Hussey acting like an executive .
14 As recently as 1980 Cash became addicted to morphine after an operation to crushed ribs sustained in a fight with an ostrich ( his home in Hendersonville , Tennessee , is said to be a real menagerie ) .
15 Quite obviously the playwright has largely pre-empted negotiation of this kind ; also , a theatrical performance can hardly be said to be a social interaction in a normal sense as the actor 's concern is to describe to someone outside the interaction on stage — to the spectator .
16 In most countries the other sexually transmitted diseases are not reported , but , where they are , there is said to be a general increase in all infections , particularly non-specific urethritis .
17 Those of Buchan preferred black , or black with a touch of white on the udder , which was said to be a sign of a good milker .
18 There were two old linebacked bulls and seven bull calves at the time to help fix the colour , which was not unlike that of the Longhorn , an English breed which had been widespread in eighteenth-century Ireland ( there was said to be a ‘ hornless Longhorn ’ in Cumberland in the nineteenth century ) .
19 It is said to be a luminous and dynamic nature capable of independent existence apart from its physical counterpart .
20 Children being what they are , she was said to be a witch .
21 It is said to be a nervous fish and it will probably benefit from the presence of other fish — acting as dither fish — to give it confidence .
22 Some appear as GHOSTS , while others turn into cannibalistic monsters like the witch BLACK ANNIS who was said to be a descendant of the Celtic winter goddess , Anu or Danu .
23 The name is said to be a tribute to 42-year-old Robbie 's screen idol Spencer Tracy .
24 Jacquetta , the queen 's mother , is said to be a witch .
25 The borderline between ritual and custom is a little blurred ; custom could be said to be a form of ritual that has lost many of its magical or religious overtones , but still retains some of the original intent to transform .
26 A 1986 U.S. study found an increased risk to expectant mothers , but this was said to be a small sample , which was followed by two further studies .
27 Evenings in the Jones household are said to be a nightmare .
28 Maastricht was said to be a Dutch cheese or the European Court .
29 There are many alternative implementations of trie memory , in fact the 26-way tree just described could be said to be a type of trie .
30 It 's said to be a symbolic tale with the casting out of the snakes related to the ousting of the old beliefs .
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