Example sentences of "say it will [be] " in BNC.

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1 The researchers , who have been studying the organism for more than eight years , say it will be several years before a vaccine becomes widely available .
2 But the engineers say it will be 10 years before they perfect the technology to make this possible .
3 No longer will we look at a Heidelberg printer and say it will be worth 70% of its value in five years time , because it wo n't . ’
4 I always say it will be done in a fortnight ; this gives me more leeway if things go wrong and if I get the garment finished before the two weeks are up the person is usually delighted .
5 As I say it will be on the front of the sheet so you can
6 as when we say it will be fine ,
7 Yamazaki says it will be a V12 and that he 's talking to three companies .
8 Tony and I plan to marry when all this is sorted out and he has promised me Nutty 's head for a garden ornament , he says it will be very effective with parsley sprouting from its orifices .
9 Quality Beef Growers of York says it will be supplying 30,000 carcasses a year to retailers .
10 She accepts that if Delinquents is the success everyone says it will be , the next logical step will be Hollywood .
11 ‘ Sherry says it will be easy to budget and cast because there are so many women available at cheap prices compared to men . ’
12 The company says it will be running some time this year , after more than three years ' work .
13 The company says it will be ‘ dipping in and out of the Grand Prix circuit , ’ irrespective of whether the events are shown on satellite .
14 Blair calls his low-budget high-tech approach ‘ electronic cinema ’ and says it will be the form of the Nineties for creative independents .
15 IBM Corp says it will be showing a prototype of its Flash memory-based solid state file at the Business Show Tokyo ‘ 93 this week .
16 Sentinel has been working on the concept of the machine for eight years and says it will be supplying the systems to five major customers , for use in insurance as well as telecommunications applications , in the third quarter .
17 The company is calling the thing Novell DOS 7 , and says it will be available in the summer .
18 If anything , he says it will be the applications software that will be difficult to convert .
19 Data General supplies AViiON servers and MV minis to Omron , and says it will be responsible for developing high-end 88110 workstations that the two will market .
20 DEC says it will be attending the Open Forum show in Utrecht , later in November .
21 Philip White , president and chief executive officer of Informix is so confident about the company 's financial prospects that he says it will be ‘ raising prices . ’
22 IXI Ltd says it will be supplying Motif 1.2 for USL 's Unix SVR4.2 desktop when volume shipments of the operating system begin .
23 Seoul , South Korea-based Samsung Electronics Ltd has changed its plans for Hewlett-Packard Co 's Precision Architecture RISC and now says it will be working solely on superscalar versions of the chip , Electronic Engineering Times claims .
24 Sun says it will be able to compete more aggressively in the personal computer networking market with Sitka 's peer-to-peer and pen computing network technology .
25 In a related announcement , Groupe Bull SA says it will be taking out a cross-licensing agreement with HP giving Bull access to OpenView components , whilst HP gets Bull 's CM-API .
26 On the demise of the Open Software Foundation 's Architecture Neutral Distribution Format effort , Hewlett-Packard Co says ‘ there should be an ANDF technology out there , but says it will be happy to work with whoever can provide that solution , ‘ we 're not religious about that , ’ says HP UK 's workstation marketing manager , Richard Owen .
27 OSF says it will be a ‘ highly evolved ’ version of the Motif GUI .
28 Sequent wo n't currently go into details over products , but says it will be ‘ leveraging its technology and knowhow ’ gained from its line of high-end Intel-based multi-processor Symmetry systems , aimed at corporate users looking to downsize their mainframes .
29 Unidata Inc , which has opened a new office in Saint Cloud near Paris , says it will be porting its relational database to DEC 's Alpha RISC .
30 The ITC will closely monitor response to the ad but says it will be difficult to edit out offending elements .
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