Example sentences of "say and the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We tend to assess people through what they say and the way they say it , to come to conclusions about whether we will like someone from the way they present themselves in words .
2 Each character still begins a new line , so we know when a new person is speaking , but the ‘ said Puttermessers ’ and ‘ said Xanthippes ’ are pared to the bone : we have to deduce who is speaking from what they say and the way they say it .
3 Other signals may be rooted in our own culture or sub-culture — our clothes and our hair styles , for example , tell other people as much about us as what we say and the way we behave .
4 Yeah er if you , what was on tonight was er on the , there was a T V programme on tonight called What the Papers Say and the editor Alistaire Campbell was on tonight , he is actually quite left-wing and this paper will , is actually quite vehement about the government , much more than the Sun would ever be , it 's quite interesting , yet that is owned by Murdoch , but I have to say that I think that is only because Murdoch is n't liked in that way since to have
5 and he was saying to me er , he says Jean I says I live and learn and er he says , you know when he says , he talks through his nose , he says you know if they had 've left Sandy Row the way it was and just put bathrooms in and he says and the way it is
6 He said then she can put her capital he says and the interest on the capital
7 Glenn Hoddle says that playing at Wembley can be like making your debut … the sight of the twin towers still gives you a buzz but they 've got to forget all about that and get on and win the game … it 's a wonderful place to play he says and the pitch should suit Swindon but they 've got to concentrate on the job in hand
8 Misunderstandings arise because of what 's been said and the way in which it 's been interpreted .
9 But it was said and the barrier was back between them , built of suspicions neither of them dared bring to the surface … though Trent had intended asking her about her grandfather .
10 Again Cowley took the picture , and smiled ; but his mind was racing , searching for the link between what Roz had said and the image he held of a man , killed in a car crash .
11 Another place where writers put commas " illegally " is between a verb which describes saying and the sentence which presents what is said :
12 Said he said and the bloke got gone bananas he said , he
13 Whatever authority it had , came not from the power of the speaker — he had none in the conventional sense — but from the cogency and relevance of what he said and the hope it inspired .
14 So could I just in conclusion say please fill in your short questionnaire thank you for your attendance and I can assure you as Chairman of the trust what you said and the question 's you 've raised this evening will be looked at in great detail and we will be reporting back to you in the near future about the proposals that we wish to make .
15 The Aldershot method the structure of what I said and the way the delivery had come across .
16 and split the case and all on the T V and he come back in he said oh I picked this up he said and the case fell to bits .
17 and he said for tonight and she said well she said I never felt so embarrassed she said I did n't know where to put myself she said and the girl that was with her the other demonstrator
18 I said well that 's what is , I said if you look at it the depreciation is so heavy compared with the income , and I said and the insurance as well but I said hopefully cos we have n't had any of er any claims at all this year you know , I said I know but all of the insurances of gone up , but I said I 'm hoping that we can sort of get the insurance down if possible so he said , yeah fair enough then .
19 ‘ How about tonight ? ’ she said and the pathos in her ignorant unknowing enquiry almost made me gag .
20 And he came in and I said and the mirror on the dressing table is n't done .
21 Mr. Wilson : That is a sophistication of what the Hon. Gentleman said and the record will show that .
22 ‘ I hope you 're a good traveller , love , ’ he said and the van rattled away down Wapping High Street .
23 ‘ Look upon us , ’ the voice said and the agent opened his eyes .
24 you know , it is just so frustrating , you know and er some of these kids he said and the language they use , one girl came in , she had n't been in for three or four days , he had n't met her and he said hello you must be such and such er
25 ‘ Directors who have something to say and the power to say it , you can only close your fingers and wish for . ’
26 For some time before 5 p.m. her mother was alone with Miss T. What passed between them we do not know , because Miss T. has never been able to say and the mother , although a party to the proceedings , has never seen fit to give evidence .
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