Example sentences of "say that it would " in BNC.

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1 He imagined labour as it would be , had it not been formulated by capitalism , and say that it would then be merely an aspect of the total business of living , unseparated from such activities as recreation , consumption , family life : that it would be just part of existence .
2 Critics of the deal , which was worked out at ministerial level , say that it would have been more sensible to spend the money on rebuilding the Villahermosa Palace to be an annexe for the nearby Prado , which is urgently in need of more space , as well as the kind of modern facilities which have ‘ put the Villahermosa among the ranks of intelligent buildings and the top museums of the Nineties ’ , as the press release boasts .
3 He had his widowed mother living with him and two sisters who had to get husbands ; both Mr James and Constanza say that it would have been considered an almost monstrous act of selfishness if the prince had insisted on marrying one of the Montecativi or Roccarosa girls for their beaux yeux .
4 The committee says that it would strongly prefer that the integrated management of river basins remains with the NRA .
5 There is no way of monitoring arms once they are sold , although I believe Contraves when it says that it would have to fit the latest equipment to any ship , and would not fit Argentinian ships .
6 The Institute says that it would prefer the former .
7 British Telecommunications Plc says that the bid by AT&T Co to operate in the UK could speed liberalisation of the key North Atlantic telecommunications route , and reckons that the matter could be settled within months ; AT&T says that it would much preferred to have entered the UK market with a local partner but saw no prospect of that ( it had been negotiating with Cable & Wireless Plc for a stake in Mercury Communications Ltd ; meanwhile each side throws regulatory brickbats at the other , with AT&T complaining that it has to deal — on a confidential basis — with British Telecom on interconnect and access charges where in the US , charges are much lower and have to be applied within the operator 's own business as well — and that simply applying for a licence in the UK costs $70,000 against just $610 in the US ; British Telecom complains that it was n't allowed to increase its 20% stake in McCaw Cellular Communications Inc and achieve a management position — and likely would be barred from buying MCI Communications Inc , where AT&T would be free to buy Vodafone Group Plc — or even Mercury , outright , if it wanted to .
8 Talking about visions , Dickens says that it would help ‘ if William Blake were here ’ , only to be interrupted by Chatterton .
9 He says that it would be unfortunate if this perspective were used ‘ as a rationale for distributing resources , particularly when a contrary position stressing a preference for community-based professional support could just as easily be advanced ’ .
10 In any case , father says that it would unusable in rough weather when they most need it .
11 ‘ I am bitterly disappointed , for Aunt Emily says that it would not be at all proper for me to come to Trelorne and that I was very wrong to let you think that I might .
12 He says that it would be a ste backwards — Britain is still rabies free , other parts of Europe are n't .
13 He says that it would be foolish to think drugs taking does n't go on in prison , but he confident drugs are not a big problem in Gloucester jail .
14 He says that it would make an ideal site for tourist related businesses .
15 She says that it would be wrong of the council to judge who is a good or bad busker , what they 're doing is setting out some rules so everyone knows where they stand .
16 He says that it would cost him more money if he went the other way .
17 Brutus says that it would be the public who would see the effects of this sudden change of personality .
18 France has said that it would support the side that restarted the war .
19 SINCE the 1850s , when microfilming became a practical possibility , enthusiasts for this medium have said that it would eventually replace the printed book .
20 Furthermore , it is said that it would upset the constitutional balance between the courts and the executive if the Crown could be held in contempt of court for disobeying a prerogative order of prohibition or mandamus .
21 It is said that it would be pointless for the justices to make an order that there should be no contact when that order can be overridden and departed from by the local authority with the agreement of the parent .
22 It is said that it would be wrong that the justices should be put in a position of making an order on the merits of the case that there should be no contact , when the next day the local authority and the parent could depart from that order .
23 However , the Swedish food and medical group Procordia , which is selling a 28% stake in Liber , has said that it would make a SK350m profit on the sale .
24 If the case had been one of estoppel , it might be said that in any event the estoppel would cease when the conditions to which the representation applied came to an end , or it also might be said that it would only come to an end on notice .
25 I note that the Labour party knows better than the Milk Marketing Board and has said that it would not help the Milk Marketing Board to get the reform that is necessary for British farmers and British consumers .
26 The Labour party has said that it would sign the directive on part-time working and many others , which would place an intolerable cost burden on British industry .
27 However , the Audit Commission has challenged that figure , and has said that it would be nearer 50 per cent .
28 The Tory party has not said that it would ensure that rural areas do not suffer disproportionately as a result .
29 A leading member of the Medellín drug cartel , Fabio Ochoa , wanted by the United States authorities for drug trafficking offences and the murder of an agent of the American Drug Enforcement Agency ( DEA ) , surrendered on Dec. 19 in what was seen as a vindication of the policy of President César Gaviria Trujillo , who had adopted legal and political methods rather than the previous military offensive against the drug cartels [ see p. 37772 for October proposals ] ; on Dec. 17 the government had said that it would waive extradition to the USA and reduce prison terms for those traffickers who surrendered and confessed to crimes .
30 Such an alliance was unacceptable to a number of DYP deputies and to the SHP ; the RP had said that it would co-operate only if an Islamic leader was first agreed on to replace Özal .
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