Example sentences of "say that it might " in BNC.

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1 Mr John McDonnell , QC , for the company , had urged Mr Justice Hoffman to exercise the court 's power to the full , saying that it might take a year for the case to be heard by the House of Lords .
2 Kawasaki Steel is now saying that it might have to do the same .
3 Thiemens said that it might even be possible to apply the effect to enrichment of certain isotopes .
4 And we now have the final symbolism of Ross Perot , the white knight set to storm Washington , who has in the not-so-distant past said that it might be necessary to suspend the constitution and cordon off black neighbourhoods and place them under martial law .
5 He said that it might take two to three years to arrive at the complete version of the social audit , which will be sent to all shareholders with the financial statements .
6 With regard to the second recommendation , the FAA merely said that it might not be feasible and , in the event , they did nothing but give the matter consideration !
7 Monckton , when brought into the meeting of ministers ( it was not a full Cabinet ) to be told of the adverse decision , said that it might delay matters by weeks .
8 You said that it might be possible to get it for £50 .
9 That 's it , that 's what I had they told and they said that it might be that she 's just , she 's just is small for her size , but it might be that Katie taken all the goodness from Hannah
10 Adopting a Formalist approach to the nineteenth-century realist novel would certainly involve a thorough-going change of mental habit , and the critic would have to work harder than s/he does when reading Joyce to see round the fabula and the realistic motivation ; but this is not to say that it might not produce some interesting results .
11 Whilst it is true to say that it might have started off that way ( call me a sceptic if you will ) , it has now found itself a major market position .
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