Example sentences of "say that it could " in BNC.

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1 Contemporary accounts say that it could reach quite high speeds on the rails and that it saved fuel .
2 But Lewis says that it could equally be called ‘ a particular kind of unhappiness or grief ’ .
3 The figures to which the hon. Gentleman refers are not those proposed by the Government but those which the Housing Executive says that it could spend .
4 She says that it could take at least ten years and cost a considerable amount of cash .
5 He says that it could have been arson , but he ca n't comprehend how saomeone wopuld want to risk people 's lives .
6 It is said that it could not have been used for any other purpose …
7 By then , however , Norway , with the weakest and least industrialised economy of the three major states , was beginning to get cold feet and insisted upon appending a minority report saying that it could not , given its current economic situation , contemplate joining a customs union .
8 However , on June 3 the Iranian spiritual leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei rejected the prospect of normal relations with the USA , saying that it could " never take place " while " the US continues to impose its will upon other people and nations " .
9 The troops will join the police , who were reluctantly involved yesterday after the London Ambulance Service said that it could not cope .
10 The troops will join the police , who were reluctantly involved yesterday in the capital after the London Ambulance Service said that it could not cope .
11 The court said that it could not tell the Chief Constable how he should respond to the situation as it could not judge the explosiveness of the situation at the time .
12 Lord Denning said that it could be implied that the Minister had been given this power to enable him to revoke licences obtained illegally .
13 Of course , old Meg is not to be relied upon at all , owing to her unfortunate fondness for the bottle , and when I heard that she was the source of the story I said that it could n't possibly be the case , that she did n't know what she had seen , as usual — ’
14 Yet the Dorset TEC said that it could manage only if the scheme was cut in half .
15 The Government 's announcement suggested a possible date beyond 2000 and said that it could be delayed up to 2005 .
16 J.B. Priestley once said that it could never quite make up its mind whether it was a port or a resort , but that very ambivalence had saved it from the worst pitfalls of both .
17 It also said that it could take up to 15 years to clean up oil pollution along the Saudi Arabian coast .
18 Lord Simon showed what a difficult concept this is when he reviewed various possible definitions of " quasi-arbitrator " in Arenson v Casson Beckman Rutley & Co [ 1975 ] 3 WLR 815 at 824 G. He said that it could mean ( 1 ) a third party whose duty it is , in deciding a question , to " hold the scales fairly " and who is " likely to be shot at by both sides " this was formulated three different ways ; or ( 2 ) " an arbitrator at common law in contradistinction from one under the Arbitration Act 1950 " [ an obscure conceptpresumably only for oral arbitration agreements or agreements specifically excluding the operation of the Act ] ; or ( 3 ) " a person who is not an arbitrator under the Arbitration Act 1950 but nevertheless acts in a judicial capacity or character or fulfills a judicial function . "
19 if put , put sample in , in er er at paragraph erm we said that it could be , we referred to paragraph two , two , three , this is the third paragraph I 've turn up on page a hundred and thirty six on claim sees to recover and then we say the premises , the claim is unlawful as being in breach of article eighty five , alternatively , unlawful in seeking to enforce agreements
20 We do know enough , however , to say that it could ; and , although we can lay some of the more romantic if attractive legends to rest , we have to declare that the case is still open .
21 Confident youth may never imagine a world like this in a million Sundays , but these pictures tell it like it is for by far the majority of us at one time or other ; and I defy anyone to say that it could not be them — be they so lucky as still to be climbing when approaching 80 .
22 This is not to say that it could not happen .
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