Example sentences of "say [interj] [adv] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 because er , when they say how old are you and you say forty nine , they say oh well we , we , we were really looking for somebody a bit younger
2 They should all have them from a similar area because most of the time they say oh well they live so far away
3 Oh yes , you say I 'm on a diet , they say oh well you have lost a lot of weight then .
4 You do n't have to actually look at the price list and say oh well I 'll have a back and shoulder massage , which is ten pound , you do n't have to have anything for ten pound , you can have it as little as five pounds , two pound fifty , we do n't mind , it can go towards a treatment .
5 And then I know a lot people who now in retirement do not have a bath , because they ca n't be confident enough at getting out of a bath , so they say oh well I manage with a shower .
6 Cos they wo n't stand if you sort of say oh well I was away last week they wo n't take that as an excuse .
7 and you find erm people like Lynn you know , bless her , who now , who is n't too bad when she 's not too bad and is n't too good when she 's not too good , you know , and it is such a very very Not only can you not put anything visibly in in common with everyone that 's got it , even the people that have got it ca n't say I can not do this period , they say oh well I 'm not too good now but maybe last week or maybe next week
8 But what you 're actually going to find is that what they 've divorced themselves from is the assistance and the technical help that comes from the County Council , and whilst you may have your teachers trained up to a certain point you therefore have at that particular time you you have them fully trained , and then you say oh well I do n't need any training for the next couple of years so I can step back and save on that area .
9 You see people sa some people say oh well your ou your house contents covers it
10 Yeah but if you think about it , people laugh when you say oh like I believe in fate , bit more easier to believe than believing in somebody up there like looking at us in n it ?
11 I wish Kelvin was here ah ah ah Oh I hope the tape recorder can pick this up , because , erm The wind keeps coming at me I do n't even though why I 've come sho oh yeah , I wan na buy something , do n't I ? so what I say now to people , when they say something to me , I go I go and I say no actually I 'm not but never mind .
12 Obviously er if er you came in in the morning and you were n't feeling to good , for whatever reason , then you could n't slack back and say och well I 'll just take my time with this .
13 Aha , you know , since a week goes on and erm and that 's it , aha , not ring me up and say hi there we 're thinking of
14 Do you think being in love is let's call it the mating instinct , is being in love merely the mating instinct operating , button one for yes and button two for no , let's er , let's seal that little lust abate there , well forty seven say yes basically I suppose basically being in love is lust , fifty three say no and what about that , that other point , I mean should you marry for love ? , button one for yes and button two for no , should you marry for love ? well what very modern people you are , cos eighty two of you said yes , fifteen said no , who said no ?
15 All the children know how to beg , they run up to you and they say hello goodbye because normally when someone says hello and you 're going you say goodbye so they think hello goodbye 's the greeting
16 And there 's no use getting in the exam on Thursday and say ah well I 'm afraid I 've not done it on that arm so erm lost
17 No they get nothing , they 'd get , all they went on the dole , well they used to get , they used to get erm , say yeah well you would get welfare benefit what we call the club , you go on the club and you see used t I , my , apparently had a private club , you could have both you see you had the private club and you got so much from the government , the National Health .
18 I do n't know , well , because I mean that any one of them could of said oh well we were being fired upon first and then they could of er , their colleagues fucking going on
19 But if you 'd said oh well I 'll prepare , what about if I prepare you , oh yes well I 'll have that probably if you 'd got done it he 'd have it because he had to help himself .
20 Well , she could have just said oh well you can borrow some they 're on sh shelf in the maths room .
21 it is all wrong , cos I says to Stuart we had , we were at him Monday , I says why is it this year I says I get a , a thing to go to court on Monday , I says and yet last year I says I did n't pay mine till end of February she says oh well they 're getting stricter this year she says , oh you 've got a court thing fifteen pound and I says yeah and she says paying that , I said no I 'm not paying that cos I pay what I owe , I said but I 'm not paying the fifteen pound court cost
22 He says oh well you 're honest I says well you 've got it straight away No .
23 And she says oh well you 're not coming tomorrow , she says how about us coming to your house tomorrow ?
24 Of course they , they had questions of and he says oh well I 've sat with him , the man 's prepared working at Lambert , but no you ca n't allow the man to work after he 's sixty and that was it .
25 Of course , the other thing , if she says oh well I er did n't know this feller was moving and er
26 that 's what you normally do on a night time , he says oh so you 're not sleeping on settee ?
27 and put the phone down and she rung straight over onto Jan 's extension and asked to speak to Maureen and Jan , so Debbie got a snip of it cos Judith refused , she said rude cow , she said she need n't have slammed the phone down she could have at least said hello so they had her dinner time said Jan was that Lynnette on the phone ?
28 if daddy says no though you ca n't have it alright ?
29 So she says no so I says so I 'll
30 Says yeah alright I says we 'll call in for an hour .
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