Example sentences of "say [be] that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He noticed the one bagpiper like I did , and what I say is that we were meant to .
2 But er what we say is that we will pay thirty percent up to a hundred miles away from home
3 And all we say is that we pay extra commission if we send you away but it is against er against our principle and even er economics to send people that far away .
4 Legal aid is not available in any form for industrial tribunal hearings erm so what I usually say is that we assist the client up to the stage where s it means going er to the tribunal itself .
5 One of the things that some knitters say is that there are not many Form Programs published .
6 What we say is that our juvenile liaison officers are working six or seven between six and ten hours unpaid overtime every week , just trying to do their normal core work .
7 What the text says is that we are to have faith as a grain of mustard seed .
8 The third thing that the re , the report says is that there is no magical element about sacraments .
9 What it says is that it would be self-contradictory to posit something as a topic , while denying the possibility of referring to this something with the phrase " the same A " .
10 So what they says is that I , I got on at this wall , jumped across onto this other wall , shinned up the outside of this other wall , stood on top of this the first floor wall and jumped up and caught hold of the top of the second floor wall and he reckon in the la about fucking twenty odd seconds , I was up and over and in , they , they , they fucking kill yourself , get down , I ca n't remember none of it .
11 And what he says is that you can see people on a continuum .
12 What Lance Percival also says is that he will never know the depth of Ken 's sexual feelings , although others have produced stronger evidence .
13 What roughly he says is that he is committed to the following scientific arguments , arguments based upon scientific principles , regardless of any pain that may be caused to him or to others by so doing .
14 ‘ The only thing that can be said is that somebody has just snuffed out a very special person who was going to achieve an incredible amount in life .
15 The most that can be said is that they must have selectional restrictions which are satisfied by the selectee .
16 What should be said is that there is still a most definite need for research in some neglected , technical areas , but more particularly in integrating the social and economic factors as they occur in a local situation .
17 THOMPSON : ‘ All I 've just said is that it was not a good enough explanation of what I got and I do n't think anybody has been told , not only to the media out there , myself who is the most important one .
18 ‘ One of the things that has been said is that it 's actually very difficult to get a purchaser for your shares on the USM even though in theory it 's an open market .
19 What is being said is that it 's intended to keep what 's regarded as a highly successful regime going on existing lines .
20 what he has said is that he , it 's a matter for myself to talk to whoever I wish , and that he respects my judgement in these matters , er according to the joint statement issued Mr Reynolds briefed him on his discussions with me on that on that
21 What he should not have said is that he was pleased to join Blackburn 'cos they were going places , implying he did n't think Leeds were going to have any more success .
22 No what we said was that if you were interested to see if two variables are associated , this is for a pi squared you might look at sex differences , men and women , and smoking or non-smoking now if they were associated what we 've said is that you might for example ex in fact women 'll probably smoke more than men .
23 What I 've said is that I 'd like to see the existing C P O's become divisional staff at the division that they are working now so that the divisional commander can allow them to stay there holding hands with the new civilian C P O for up to six months if necessary because it then becomes a local decision as to when the when the two have that umbilical cut .
24 So , it was in the ordinary conduct of party politics by men in pursuit of power that expectations , aspirations and objectives were reduced to an apparent simplicity , to a crudity of choice for which all that could be said was that it represented the national will .
25 All he had said was that his love-life was being well taken care of — and it was perfectly clear from the tenor of her greeting that Nina believed herself to be in the singular .
26 What I should have said was that there was no serious dispute among professionals of quality who had any discernment in such matters .
27 ‘ What he 's saying is that they play away quite happily , not realizing what 's in store for them in the rest of their lives .
28 But it what I 'm saying is that they 're all shades of colour anyway .
29 I suppose what I 'm really saying is that we should stop for a second each time we leap to elevate some young lad or lass to godlike status for a fifteen second guitar solo , and think about Paul McCartney penning Yesterday at age 23 .
30 By emphasising the ‘ primacy of action ’ what these theologians are really saying is that we do not know — indeed we can not obtain knowledge except through praxis .
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