Example sentences of "say [conj] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 If you say that the Nationalists of Ireland have a right to claim to go out of the united Kingdom as a community if you say that five or six per cent of the whole of the United Kingdom have that right because they wish to have separate rule for themselves , how can you say that a body in Ireland , not five or six per cent , but twenty-five per cent of the whole population , has not an equal right to separate treatment ?
2 NATO 's commanders say that the missiles are there to deter , to prove to the Soviet Union that the West can knock out ports , factories and other ‘ strategic ’ targets with pinpoint accuracy .
3 That is what I mean when I say that the problems of crofting , and other rural problems , are in an odd , but very real sense , a national resource .
4 I am happy to refine that , and say that the figures revealed a 30 per cent .
5 The Sufis say that the stains of the soul will be expunged only by the water of the eyes .
6 People say that the Arabs were told to leave their homes by Arab countries .
7 UN specialists say that the regulations , plans and treaties agreed on by the Mediterranean countries have not significantly curbed the outpouring of sewage and industrial effluent from the 360 million people who live around the Mediterranean basin .
8 You say that the footprints you saw were on the path and not on the grass ? ’
9 Many of the refugees say that the restrictions on the number of children a family may have , now being enforced by the Chinese government with particular vigour , is the reason for their flight .
10 Eye-witnesses say that the demonstrators marched on the local government offices and occupied them .
11 They say that the birds are brilliant .
12 Its tough decisions concern not whether this method of conservation is good or not ( and there are those who say that the efforts should be directed towards protecting the animals where they belong ) , but how to go about doing it .
13 ‘ I say that the directors of the Opera House are fools ! ’
14 They usually say that the things called rising damp I said this
15 Experts say that the antiquities at Ur and Tel El-lahm date back to the Sumerian period .
16 The researchers , whose findings are published in Nature , say that the findings are consistent with those to be expected as a result of the greenhouse effect , but warn that they can not be sure " whether this is part of an overall climate change trend , or the normal variability of this section of the Tasman Sea " .
17 ‘ You say that the paintings have been handed down .
18 They say that the police could stop the violence overnight if the Special Patrol Group was assigned to patrol the area , or if the Home Office made it sufficiently clear that this kind of activity must stop .
19 They say that the police have not got the resources — but this game is going to be behind closed doors . ’
20 Webster and Webster say that the sequences are based on research findings ( which are not detailed ) or where these are not available , they follow a logical order .
21 Sadly , there are many people who say that the Children 's Address is what speaks to them , rather than other parts of a Protestant service .
22 The Geneva Convention has clarified them ; but the Iraqis say that the allies are themselves committing war crimes by attacking civilians .
23 They say that the sheets in questions were never stored at the museum .
24 Critics , however , say that the boats go no faster than those they are trying to catch .
25 They say that the trades taught there are no longer needed .
26 Even if you go halfway , and just say that the trades council conference could send two delegates , not to put trades council motions , but to give the trades council 's view on important issues because the trades council representatives are representatives of the rank and file , they are the activists , they are the people like you , and I think they deserve a voice on a wider platform .
27 ‘ We say that the Slovaks are cousins to the poles and the Ukrainians whereas the Czechs are more like the Germans .
28 Now say that the applications are completely processor-independent too — that you do n't even have to re-compile them to move them from one machine type to another , and indeed bits of them may even wander from processor type to processor type in the course of execution .
29 Now say that the applications are completely processor-independent too — that you do n't even have to re-compile them to move them from one machine type to another , and indeed bits of them may even wander from processor type to processor type in the course of execution .
30 The children say that the snakes are n't as slimey as they thought they 'd be .
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