Example sentences of "say [conj] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Hincmar confirms much of what Dhuoda and Nithard say or imply about the workings of a political system centred on the court , adding details and assigning plausible motives and explanations .
2 While there is a great deal of merit in this argument , it over-estimates the importance of what individuals say or write on the shaping of ideology .
3 It certainly keeps the teacher on the ball when the pupils are not prepared to accept everything you say or do without questioning .
4 Aid workers , the only independent sources of information who have direct access to the camp inmates , say that fears about deportation are creating a tense atmosphere and that the Vietnamese are making preparations to avoid and resist attempts to send them home .
5 That is why some observers say that getting to the starting-line is an achievement in itself — most had reckoned the Bank 's immunity from prosecution to be an iron-clad provision of the 1987 Banking Act .
6 Some people say that lurking in its depths is a fish so dangerous that oarsmen venture out at their peril .
7 The Russians say that work on Energiya and Buran has yielded more than 20 new metals , alloys and materials which can operate in temperatures from minus 253C to 800C .
8 Wherever you say that means to your Mum .
9 Some people say that trotting on the roads helps harden the horse 's legs while others maintain that too much trotting mean too much concussion on legs and feet ; I follow the latter view and so we stayed in walk with the occasional gentle trot uphill .
10 That night over a pretentious dinner ( ‘ delicate strips of milk-fed veal on a bed of herbs and accompanied by a tangy aromatic sauce specially prepared by our chefs ’ ) in a pretentious modern hotel and fortified by a bottle of local plonk , my Producer John Reynolds and I resolved to telephone the Palace Chamberlain in the morning , say that owing to a technical fault the film was not usable , and did the king have a spare hour in which we might shoot the interview again ?
11 Some say that to belong to the kingdom of Heaven is the same as belonging to the Church .
12 ‘ Then we will take the boy 's speech and writing which is so good and subject it to careful analysis and if we teach the other boys whose writing and speech is not so good how to subject what they say and write to this kind of analysis they will realise how badly they speak and write and will promptly set about trying to improve the way they speak and write … . ’
13 ‘ I have to go , ’ I say and go to the hall for my coat .
14 I believe that had there been television in those days , the British cricket public would have been shocked by what they say and called for an early end to it all , irrespective of the rights and wrongs of Bodyline .
15 Now , let's go back to what and say and look at it from offspring A's point of view .
16 ‘ See you , ’ I say and escape to City Road , where an off-licencee is opening and looks up surprised to see an office yuppie ( his definition ) among the line of winoes so early in the morning-o !
17 That is , while it may prove difficult or impossible to devise the appropriate experiment to get at young children 's appreciation of logical necessity , they may reveal that they have a measure of understanding of logical necessity in what they say and do in everyday contexts .
18 May all that we say and do in the service of this county , whether as elected member or as officer , be in accordance with your will and for the good of your people .
19 This is what most owners say when confronted by cherished furnishings , door frames or personal items , such as books or the remote control for the TV , that have been torn to shreds by beloved Rover in their absence , or nearly as distressing the evidence of his lack of toilet control .
20 So Grice 's point is not that we always adhere to these maxims on a superficial level but rather that , wherever possible , people will interpret what we say as conforming to the maxims on at least some level .
21 This romantic view of the Germanic commune had an unconscious effect on Marx and led him to follow those German historians who were trying to reconstruct an old system which they say as smothered by a newer one .
22 Does it need to be said or done at all ?
23 Miranda sat in her room feeling thoroughly miserable , and going back over and over again in her head every single significant thing that Miles had said or done since that first time he kissed her on the Promenade .
24 My judgment rests upon the view that the plaintiffs had quite enough compulsion upon them from the terms of the Act itself , apart altogether from anything that may have been said or done by officers of government .
25 ‘ the plaintiffs had quite enough compulsion upon them from the terms of the Act itself , apart altogether from anything that may have been said or done by officers of government .
26 What influences the young child is not so much what is said or meant by the adult 's question .
27 Instead the article , obviously based on interviews with my critics , attacked what I had said or written about IQ in other places .
28 Everything we say or write is connected both with things which have been said or written in the past , and with things which may be said or written in response to it in the future .
29 Everything we say or write is connected both with things which have been said or written in the past , and with things which may be said or written in response to it in the future .
30 Little remains to be said or sung after that — except for the brief but exquisite requiem with which Arkel brings the opera to an end .
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