Example sentences of "say [pron] was [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Oh well I say there was fitters , I used to h er be handy with them .
2 Drugs were also seized and police say it was part of a long term campaign , codenamed Operation Lucy and targeted on a guns and drug network .
3 They used to used to go up this , as you say it was part of the erm holiday , used to go up this mountain , driven up this mountain then they 'd toboggan down .
4 They also say it was government research which slipped back the most between 1973 and 1981 and that industry needs to be allowed to make profits before upping R&D .
5 Say it was sewage farms that 's
6 Oh ask John say it was ages ago
7 Say it was night for instance .
8 They say it was Quatro Flats . ’
9 ‘ You still say it was murder ? ’
10 Police have said there was evidence of drug taking at the £17-a-head event , including discarded packets of white powder and some cannabis resin , but there were no arrests for drugs .
11 Her mother had always said there was gypsy blood in her , and she had often experienced strange insights and premonitions .
12 He says it was coincidence that all these Mr Nasty roles came at once , but admits that for a while , playing a succession of evil characters had a rather bad effect on his personal life .
13 Bradman says it was Fingleton , Fingleton said it was Bradman , and Leo O'Brien ( the 12th man ) further confused the issue by revealing in a recent interview with Wisden Cricket Monthly that neither Bradman nor Fingleton was in the room at the time of the exchange , but ( former Australian Test players ) Ryder and Kippax , who were both reporting the matches in one way or another , were . ’
14 You says it was inflammation of the nerves in the
15 Matthew Pinsent says it was Cambridge 's race …
16 Jim Magilton is the second Liverpool reserves player to join the U's , after the signing of John Durning three years ago , and he says it was Brian Horton 's enthusiasm that had tice that enticed him away from the Merseyside side .
17 But the prosecution says it was murder , and the crime WAS planned .
18 ‘ I 'd have said it was Sunday morning if you want it right . ’
19 I mean if it ha if somebody had said it was Danny from the Tri-Club I would have had a
20 The Farmers ' Union of Wales had said it was fishermen who should be made to pay .
21 If she did n't know him better , she would have said he was cross with her .
22 Aunt Emily had said he was Janet 's husband .
23 Simultaneously to starting a business , Louis started courting — and it can also be said he was piling-up a lot of trouble for himself .
24 I do n't know why I think maybe the , the tablets helped , but erm I was saying I was kind of having second thoughts whether I was wanting to go on the H R T or
25 So , she went to decorate the hall and got sent out with people saying she was Jessica .
26 There were these two men there , talking , and one was saying there was trouble at Serenity , some problem about a ship trying to come down without an Eladeldi registration .
27 Little point in saying he was godfather to one of them .
28 Today we went to a fair in the morning and Loz from Kingmaker won a goldfish in a plastic bag and Bobby Gillespie got thrown off the bumper cars for saying he was Marc Bolan in a Mini and Polly Harvey was a tree .
29 Flashman said : ‘ Barry and I took calls on Thursday from someone saying he was Martin Edwards , and we genuinely thought it was him .
30 ‘ Well , she said a lot of good things about how housework and things were essential social work — you know , saying it was work , hard work , servicing other people , not that airy fairy labour of love stuff , and how it ought to be recognised , and how it was because women were seen as wives and mothers that they got low wages , no money when they were at home looking after small kids .
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