Example sentences of "say [pron] just [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 More than 3,000 turned out for a rally organised by 2 hoteliers who say they just had to do something .
2 ‘ I say they just did n't notice me , ’ Darius says .
3 And other people say he just lived quietly in the town after learning his lesson .
4 ‘ Well , some people say he died in the town , always trying to make a broom that would last ; others say he just gave up and wasted away , others that he got somebody else to make the brooms and found somebody to provide better twigs , and got people to sell the brooms in other towns and cities , and hired more people to make more brooms , and built a broom-making factory , and made lots of money and had a splendid house made …
5 I was padded up with me mate and she says I just went weird .
6 comes back and says when the teacher come , the teacher was there this time , urgh the showers are on , Geoffrey switched the showers on and then they all start chanting Geoffrey switched the showers on , Geoffrey switched the showers on and er , loads of them , not just him , a load of them did it , and he , he started to cry , and then that was it then were n't it , ooh tiny tears , tiny tears , ooh poofter , poofter , crying and all that I mean he had a right day with it , so he goes to school this morning in Geography and the every body in the class , the girls and every body were going tiny tears , tiny tears , and he said I just ignored it today he says I just took no notice he says , but they 're all going , how 's your tears Geoffrey , are we going to cry again today , he says and they were trying to get me to cry today he says , but I just took no notice and Stuart kept going like this Geoff and he says I just went so he , he did the same back and then he went Geoff and Geoffrey just went , I mean what you do ? ,
7 comes back and says when the teacher come , the teacher was there this time , urgh the showers are on , Geoffrey switched the showers on and then they all start chanting Geoffrey switched the showers on , Geoffrey switched the showers on and er , loads of them , not just him , a load of them did it , and he , he started to cry , and then that was it then were n't it , ooh tiny tears , tiny tears , ooh poofter , poofter , crying and all that I mean he had a right day with it , so he goes to school this morning in Geography and the every body in the class , the girls and every body were going tiny tears , tiny tears , and he said I just ignored it today he says I just took no notice he says , but they 're all going , how 's your tears Geoffrey , are we going to cry again today , he says and they were trying to get me to cry today he says , but I just took no notice and Stuart kept going like this Geoff and he says I just went so he , he did the same back and then he went Geoff and Geoffrey just went , I mean what you do ? ,
8 And she says I just turned away too .
9 She says she just stepped onto the road after looking both ways .
10 I thought he looked so lost and unhappy that I just wanted to comfort him at first , and Chris says he just thought I was kind .
11 Pete says he just wanted to get in the air so he read about the sport in magazines and then got in touch with the association … he says the sport is easy if you know what you are doing but you can pay dearly for your mistakes
12 Well I 'm just saying I just said that we 're not likely to get it here .
13 He was appalled at their habits , saying they just covered up the dirt by placing new rushes over the old , thus covering the dirt and filth which was caused by animals wandering in and out of the houses .
14 comes back and says when the teacher come , the teacher was there this time , urgh the showers are on , Geoffrey switched the showers on and then they all start chanting Geoffrey switched the showers on , Geoffrey switched the showers on and er , loads of them , not just him , a load of them did it , and he , he started to cry , and then that was it then were n't it , ooh tiny tears , tiny tears , ooh poofter , poofter , crying and all that I mean he had a right day with it , so he goes to school this morning in Geography and the every body in the class , the girls and every body were going tiny tears , tiny tears , and he said I just ignored it today he says I just took no notice he says , but they 're all going , how 's your tears Geoffrey , are we going to cry again today , he says and they were trying to get me to cry today he says , but I just took no notice and Stuart kept going like this Geoff and he says I just went so he , he did the same back and then he went Geoff and Geoffrey just went , I mean what you do ? ,
15 I think she said I just had normal er I I ca n't remember .
16 You know she said I just said to her oh how 's Jimmy sort of thing and she said he 's alright .
17 Are you sure you 're alright , he said I just said oh .
18 I was gardening and he said er er I bent over to do something and he said I just went dizzy , he said , and I fell over he said and then I realized my right side was paralysed .
19 I sa , I said I just went I just said to her look Hannah you do n't have to come in the car !
20 She said I just went in there and she said I could n't stand any more , she said do you know Joy she said you 're one of the nicest people I know , she said I tell you what I 've never heard in my life two people stab somebody like you 're being stabbed , she says I could n't sit there any more
21 I went why why , he said I just came round to your room and you were n't there but your music was on .
22 She said I just wanted to commit suicide .
23 he made a joke about a blonde you see just before that , anyway and I said I just wanted to , do you know who is on so he said oh he thinks is on and that must be the from
24 And you said you just chose the three most vascular , could you tell me a bit more
25 He said no , so I said do n't lie to me yes you did , I said you just said you did n't know if he kicked her or not , and this argument went on , Danny ended up in tears and I ended up really angry so I said well I 'll go down then , leaving all the kids screaming fuming , but he actually knocks on the door now .
26 So he got Times Roman headlines in , very simple layout , and he did some caps bold , and then he said to me he had done all the headlines ragged and I said you just missed one thing — centre the heads .
27 One of the lawyers ' wives wanted to know the secret of Ellen 's coffee , and Ellen modestly said she just followed the percolator instructions , while the truth was that she put a cupful of cheap instant coffee powder into every percolated pot .
28 Thompson said she just drove straight home , parked the car in the drive and went in the house . ’
29 And then er when they came back he says she says you know and I just says er and when she got out of the car , Dawn was out in the gar in the garden walking , and she said she just got out of the car and she looked over at Dawn like that took the kids in and she said I just says here you are , she said , come on Ashley over here , you stay and play in your back and your side of the er street from now on .
30 She said she just bought me a mixture of things she thought I would like .
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